Les étudiants de l’Uvs restent 8 mois sans internet

La 4ème promotion de l’Université virtuelle du Sénégal (Uvs) a déversé sa bile. Ces étudiants sont restés huit mois sans connexion internet, alors qu’on leur impose une présence obligatoire sur leur plateforme d’étude. Aussi, depuis 2015, ils n’ont reçu ni bourse, ni rappel de paiement. Brandissant de « minuscules » tablettes électroniques, qu’ils considèrent comme seul outil de travail dispensé par l’Etat, ces étudiants ont crié leur ras-le-bol.

Lire la suite sur Actunet.net

426 Commentaires

  1. It as not that I want to copy your web-site, but I really like the layout. Could you let me know which design are you using? Or was it especially designed?

  2. I’ve just added a fresh new list. This is by far the biggest list to date. I hope you all are having a great week. Take care and happy link building.

  3. I’ve just added a fresh new list. This is by far the biggest list to date. I hope you all are having a great week. Take care and happy link building.

  4. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to make a new list. There were some problems making this list. I also was away from the computer for awhile. I hope you all have had a good month. It’s been almost a month since the last update. The next list won’t take that long to make. At least I hope it won’t.

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