France : six mois de prison pour avoir refusé d’enlever son niqab

Kenza Drider (R), candidate for the 2012 French presidential election, and her spokeswoman Hind Ahmas, speak to the press on December 12, 2011 in front of the police tribunal in Paris, after both women were fined for violating France's niqab ban. In France, a woman who repeatedly insists on appearing veiled in public can be fined 150 euros and ordered to attend re-education classes. AFP PHOTO / MIGUEL MEDINA

La France semble décidée à mettre au pas les inconditionnels de la religion. Une femme musulmane, entièrement voilée et qui a refusé d‘ôter son niqab s’est vue infliger une peine de six mois de prison. La femme en question s‘était cabrée, refusant de dévoiler son visage lors d’un contrôle de police. Les détails.

Le tribunal correctionnel de Toulouse a donné six mois de prison, dont trois avec sursis à la femme en niqab (voile intégral couvrant le visage à l’exception des yeux, voir photo). Ce qui revient à dire que la prévenue passera trois mois de sa vie derrière les barreaux. La peine lui a été infligée ce jeudi.

C’est Me Samim Bolaky, l’avocat de la musulmane en question, qui a communiqué l’information à la presse. Pour sa part, le procureur avait requis une peine un peu plus sévère ; six mois de prison, dont deux mois ferme.

Je suis pointée du doigt par rapport à mon voile qui demeure et reste une liberté de pratique du culte religieux.

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888 Commentaires

  1. When it comes down to the little things, I think that we lay people should just be glad to attend the extraordinary form. This isn’t to say that anything goes, but I think TLM folk get a bad rap, because sometimes love of liturgy turns into legalism.Our priests need our prayers, positive words and support… not an army of little lay liturgists and wanna be canon lawyers.

  2. All of the above and more, this week’s favourite was asking if I could “gaurantee that the customer will not find any issues and that they will not have a reduced level of service” This from a project manager, when reminded that the tester assigned to his project will be on holiday for a week after a release.

  3. This is something he really deserves…and it isn’t something unexpectable …i mean everybody knew by now how great actor Micky is…so, congrats…and hope we’ll see you winning this tipe of trophy many many years from now on…we’ll wait for JJ to catch up with you…fighting jyj!!!!

  4. Tu te contredis dans tes propos ! Les écologistes ne mettent rien sur papier même pas leur candidature Secondo, une fille ne peut pas être les trois en même temps! Té assez exigent! ( mignone…Intelligente, cultivée)Tertio , si tu es si intelligent que ca ! T’essay pas de penser recycler tu recycle simplement!Quatro, le fait qu’elle est désagréable est le fait que tu ne l’écoutes jamais! Bref …Arrête de mettre sa sur le dos de la fille a chaque fois! Tu fais pas de toi un homme mais un lâche!

  5. Sara #8 – I’m in agreement with ExPat. What about the listing on Evergreen? That’s still in a sub 300k price range close to the Glen Ridge border and walking distance to the Bloomfield train station. The neighborhood is safer than east of the Parkway. I would however not want to live too close to Watsessing Park. I would be wary about the school situation if you are going to need that eventually. Evergreen is zoned for Watsessing school, which is not great. I would really try to stick with an address zoned for Brookdale or Oakview which are both on the north side of town.

  6. If they are already converted, by definition, we won’t get their votes, so this is not that worrisome. However, we can point to the real problems of the people while VTV plays the Godwin Game.I really hope they keep the attacks on this level of crazy. This is so delusional, abstract and divorced from the daily lives of people that’s gonna backfire.

  7. Typisk deg, å ha gjort så masse markjelikt!! =PMen det me hamburgeren å det me skrivingå e eg enige i =P Heilt forfardelikt når folk ser på.. Skrive barra feil eg då =P Men det varsta så finst..(trur eg) e visst folk blese meg i nakken frammandte(gir klem på ein måte) =P


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