Triste nouvelle ! Soda Bousso a perdu sa mère

C’est une information de confirmée par la famille de la défunte, notamment sa fille. La grande cantatrice Soda Bousso a perdu ce dimanche sa mère qui était d’un âge avancé.

Aucun autre détail n’est cependant donné concernant ce deuil qui frappe la grande artiste et très joviale Soda Bousso. lire la suite sur

917 Commentaires

  1. Confirmado: el correo puede ser inventado. Ya he votado varias veces y no da problemas. Hay que meter un captcha muy sencillo tambien.Está claro que Square no va a decir nada, pero con que llegue a sus oidos sabrán que lo que la comunidad quiere no son mas aventuras de Lightning si no que saquen primero lo que prometieron.

  2. , our prayers are with you. But, you know, getting out of that cold, dank basement you hole up in to draw might be an idea. Or maybe it’s a post con thing… too much partying with other artists! That could account for it always being the same time of the year! ;)Take care, mate. Get well soon!Cheers,

  3. Hermie Bockhorst’s Sunday school class ctllecoed items for a local food pantry in August. We have decided that this will be an ongoing ministry of our class. A plastic container is being placed in our classroom to place items in and as it gets filled, we will deliver to a food pantry.  

  4. Hi Jean,Wow, you are blessed to have such a wonderful husband. How lucky you are I am glad he understands how difficult our days can be and appreciates all you live with.Give you husband a hug for me!Sharon

  5. [106] barbaraYes, pay cash and no tax break. The bill is designed to incentivize folks who would not otherwise buy. The reason for these limits and the income limit is to prevent rewarding those who can, and might, buy anyway.It is also an indirect state bailout since the feds are basically picking up the sales tax and fees. The thinking is that these are fees they might not otherwise see.And notice that it isn’t limited to domestic cars. Lotsa cars building up in the Port of Baltimore and Mikugly wants them moved.

  6. DI – What an amazing travel entry! Loved every bit of it. Hyderabad is synonymous to grandeur and palaces! The arch type and symmetrical works are simply beautiful. But where is the Rolls Royce car’s picture? I couldn’t see And Is that you in Zero is Infinity in flickr??

  7. valdelasfuentes2 junio, 2008SEGA CLASSICS COLLECTION. Trucos:SPACE HARRIER ACTIVAR LAS SOMBRAS DE LOS OBJETOS:Este truco solo funciona con los fractales apagados en la pantalla de titulo presiona con el pad oíras un sonido de confirmación.VIRTUA RACING COCHES OCULTOS:Consigue las siguientes cantidades de puntos de posesión en el modo grand prix y completa el set actual.ojo,estos coches no se pueden usar en el modo arcade.CLASICO MANEJABLE: 251 PUNTOS DE POSESIONCOUPE DERRAPE: .181 PUNTOS DE POSESIONPROTOTIPO MAXIMA VELOCIDAD:121 PUNTOS DE POSESION.FORMULA 1 DE LOS SETENTE ACELERACION: 51 PUNTOS DE POSESION.

  8. nu, nu sunt fumător, ba dimpotrivă. Și chiar am un articol în pregătire apropo de fumători și atitudinea lor față de noi ceilalți. Da, măcar pentru copii (eu am doi băieței) să facem ceva. Altfel umplem pământul de gunoaie și ajungem ca în filmul Wall-E (Disney-Pixar). Și încerc să-i învăț și pe piticii mei cu deprinderi ”curate”, dar nu știu în ce cercuri se vor învârti in viitor.

  9. Your daugther rooms are so yummy… Really nice pictures. Surely, this will cheer you up for a loooong time. I also play along with Ali for this project. Been her long life fans. But haven’t added all the pictures to my blog yet. Try to pull it together in one format first. You have a nice day.

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