Aliou Cissé maintenu à son poste de coach

Sans surprise, le Comité exécutif de la Fédération sénégalaise de football (Fsf), réuni ce mercredi, a décidé de garder Aliou Cissé à la tête.

Après lui avoir décerné un satisfecit pour «la participation globalement honorable du Sénégal» au Mondial, l’organe fédéral a donné mandat au président de l’instance, Augustin Senghor, discuter avec le sélectionneur national pour un renouvellement de son contrat, qui prend fin en mars 2019.

Cependant, souligne L’Observateur, qui donne l’information, le Comité exécutif demande à Cissé de travailler à éviter les conflits dans la Tanière et d’améliorer ses rapports avec la presse nationale.

883 Commentaires

  1. I will prove my point of how much of a farce all of this is: The Capt Ownen Honors fiasco. The 4 star in Norfolk made a big public show of harshly repremanding several people right out of the chute, so the cameras could see him do it. Unlike Graf, Honors seemed to be popular as in induvidual. The BOI convened on Honors let him off later. How dumb does all of that make the Navy look, from beginning to end?Your analogy to the American Revolution is a bit theatrical.

  2. Lynette,I remember that exact same thread and was just mentioning it to my husband today as I was telling him about this new article. Thanks for looking it up and posting it. I do think it’s relevant here.I don’t think this necessarily “proves” his guilt as I know adrenaline can cause most people to behave in ways they normally don’t, but it does show that we all can have a dark side….and that we need to keep an open mind EITHER WAY about this articles’ validity…..until we have more evidence.

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  4. You act like Olmert would have kept Israel’s promises in any event.================================We will never know. However, what is relevant is that the Palestinians did not accept. They had the opportunity to define the terms of a peaceful settlement. Instead they chose to define their requirements as being more than what Olmert offered. Personally, I do not think that any Israeli politician will offer more.

  5. salam dustam man mikham microsoft CRM 4.0 ro nasb konam dar natije bayad win server o khob beshnasam va dar vaghe mikham kasi ke khob be win server ashnaee dare ba man hamkari kone va be man amozesh bede az nazar haghol amal hich mosh keli nist. TANXمرورگر این کاربر سیستم عامل این کاربر

  6. I too thought Obama was stupid, but after watching for a while I realized something, he is not stupid, rather he’s brilliant, he knows how to grab and use leverage and power. My greatest fear is that he will try to follow hitler’s path; get into power legally, then grab ultimate control of the country. But, I think he underestimates the American people and their love of freedom, the little of what we have left. Also he gains power from the crumbling of this nation, or destroying this nation just like most dictators gained power. I desperately hope I’m wrong.

  7. While I'm no LR fan, but why is she getting all of the hate? Why blame the victim? She had her own mediocre success and thought she'd found her prince (ok Prime Minister). Would you rather she'd hooked up with a local buster?He's the grimy one. Didn't he kick her out of the mansion and moved in the chick from 106 & Park? Weren't both MM and LR treated for bite marks and scratches after an altercation? He's a joke and he gives Black leadership a bad name.

  8. Badgers are so cute, why are they getting exstinct?!Animal AdmiralER_Bubbles Reply:November 28th, 2012 at 10:19 amGreat question, Katrina! American badgers are threatened by habitat loss due to the building of homes and farms. In many cases, people don’t know the badger are even there because they are such secretive animals. If we all can tell people about the American badger and the problems they face, we can really help them make a come back!VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait…(1 vote cast)

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