Aliou Cissé maintenu à son poste de coach

Sans surprise, le Comité exécutif de la Fédération sénégalaise de football (Fsf), réuni ce mercredi, a décidé de garder Aliou Cissé à la tête.

Après lui avoir décerné un satisfecit pour «la participation globalement honorable du Sénégal» au Mondial, l’organe fédéral a donné mandat au président de l’instance, Augustin Senghor, discuter avec le sélectionneur national pour un renouvellement de son contrat, qui prend fin en mars 2019.

Cependant, souligne L’Observateur, qui donne l’information, le Comité exécutif demande à Cissé de travailler à éviter les conflits dans la Tanière et d’améliorer ses rapports avec la presse nationale.

883 Commentaires

  1. Hi Carrie, right, she has lost none of her spunk. This is a good thing in and of itself, and her fiesty attitude certainly keeps things lively! Admittedly, there are moments where I have to remind myself that her spunkiness is a good thing. Christmas will be held at my house because the kids don’t want Santa to get lost trying to find them. We’ll pick up my mom and bring her over, so she won’t have to do anything except sit on the couch and drink eggnog. Real eggnog. Yum!

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  3. maître à “panzer”..pas mal pas mal..hach!..quelle ville! mais vu les monceaux de conneries faits depuis les années 50, 2 solutions: le carpet bombing ou corbu..attaque en piqué d’un peu tout, sirène hurlante de stuka, flieg alarm a neuilly toutes les heure entre minuit et 8 h..parachutage de shit ici et là, empoisonnement des puits de saint germains, gaz moutarde dans des zones connu de moi seul et que je garde secrète, minage systématique au godmichet explosif.. bref le mal est gravissime..presque desespéré

  4. its only about four weeks ago that I was snowed on at Hill End in New South Wales, and we are into our summer down here. The weather bureau reported snow about a week ago down south.I saw a report the other day that temperature readings are being influenced by lack of maintenance on temperature monitoring stations in the former Soviet Union since its collapse, resulting in two thirds of Siberian ones to cease operation. Others throughout the world are affected by localized warming caused by creeping urbanization.

  5. hani org baca blog hiburan nak santai2 rilek2 je. ni nak komen sikit.1. ayat tak perlu la banyak sangat2. perenggan tu jaga la sikit. rimas lah baca ka blog yg xde perenggan pastu berterabur mcm ni.3. rasanya tak perlu nak mention nama hani. org tak nak tau pun. org nak tau apa ditulis bukannya penulis.hopefully boleh terima kritikan ikhlas dari follower lama blog nara ni. :PWell-loved.

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  8. Dear BomberYour otherwise insightful analyses of cultural and political issues is undermined by your misunderstanding of the technical legal term ‘miscarriage of justice’. If you refer to s 385(c) Crimes Act, you will understand that this term is simply a legal technicality. Every month in NZ, the Court of Appeal sends a case back to the lower court on the basis that some aspect of the case constituted a ‘miscarriage of justice’. That, in no way, signifies a judgment about the accused’s guilt or innocence.Consequently, you should not base your analysis of justice/injustice in relation to the Bain case on a legal technicality.Medea

  9. beh santaurina,resto della mia idea.per la responsabilità politica sono d’accordo, ma chi fa esplodere un camion pieno di tritolo in un mercato non può poi andare in giro a dire “sono gli americani cattivi”.poi vabbé, allargando il discorso questo considerare che tutto è colpa del malvagio occidente è un pochino infantilizzante nei confronti del resto del mondo…roberto

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