Fama Thioune et Matar Seck ont divorcé

C’est un véritable coup de tonnerre. Une nouvelle à laquelle nous ne nous attendions vraiment pas. Pourtant très proche en apparence, le couple Fama Thioune – Matar Seck aurait décidé de se séparer, informe Sunustars.

En effet, l’animatrice de la TFM aurait décidé de quitter le frère de la grande diva Coumba Gawlo Seck. Pour ce qui est des raisons, nous restons dans le flou. Nous y reviendrons très prochainement.

882 Commentaires

  1. RuneE,It was good to see your picture of HMS SEVERN on the Web Site. Having served with the Royal Norwegian Navy MTB Flotilla some years ago and lived in Bergen for 2 years, is was fantastic to bring my Ship back and to re visit old friends and Fjords! Best WishesRex Cox

  2. I call them my Orbies. I have been seeing them for the past year fairly regularly. Sometimes at a distance of only 300 to 500 feet. I feel them, they know I am watching. The weird thing is when I see them its like they tap my shoulder, I turn and look right at them. I look for them every night. I am sort of obsessed. By the way, I love the accent. So damn sexy. I want a girl with an accent!!!!! Cheers.

  3. dude you don’t know what you’re talking about, comparing the to a dslr :X that is way off. If you where to really compare a dslr with the iphones’ camera the dslr would rip it to shred… Enough with your crap 🙂 the only selling point of the 4S is SIRI and spec. wise the iphone 3GS can even run it. >.< it's a ripoff

  4. Subiectiv ne spui ca îți este frica sa faci alegeri in viaÈ›a care mai târziu se pot dovedi gresite deci cu alte cuvinte esti ca noi toÈ›i ceilalÈ›i..obiectiv te poÈ›i referi la "el" căruia i este frica sau nu vrea sa faca alegerea pe care tu o astepti…ASA ca …aÈ™teptare plăcută in luarea unor decizii,a ta sau a lui:)…dar timpul trece tic tac tic tac…

  5. Empfinde das mit dem Buch auch sehr prätentiös, aber das kann beabsichtigt sein, denn immerhin erhält der beworbene Dienst kurzzeitig sogar mehr Aufmerksamkeit als eben ein Buch. Vielleicht ist es aber tatsächlich einfach nur so, dass das exotische daran, ein Buch zu lesen, dem Zielpublikum ein zusätzliches Vergnügen bereitet.

  6. سلام برادر.خیلی جالبه، من چند سال پیش از طرف یکی از دوستا برای برنامه نویسی سایتشون معرفی شدم ولی قسمت نشد همکاری کنیم.منم تعریفشون رو شنیدم مخصوصاً آقای سروری رو.ای کاش منم یه دوربین ردیف بخرم بیام تور عکاسی، البته اگر گرفتاری برنامه نویسی سایتایی که دستمه اجازه بده.یا علی

  7. Hei hei Moa 🙂 HÃ¥per søndagen ble bra selv om skyene kom krypene!Ser du har fÃ¥tt deg en slik herlig pip-kopp!! Har skrevet dem opp pÃ¥ ønskelisten min jeg ;o) Nydelig strykermerker du har kjøpt da, blir spennende Ã¥ fÃ¥ se hvor de havner.Hos oss er det litt full fart for tiden og det blir lite blogging, sniker meg derfor innom en tur nÃ¥ for Ã¥ ønske deg en herlig mandag !♥klemmer

  8. Teofil pisze:Panie Janie. Nie rozumem pańskiego komentarza dotyczącego że Pan Adam jest konserwatystą. Jest historykiem i powinien znać fakty. Nie ma znaczenia konserwatysta, liberał, socjalista, socjaldemokrata, monarchista, demokrata itp. Liczą się fakty.Pozdrawiam.

  9. questions that she has for me! If you missed our earlier conversation, you can see my initial post introducing Joyce from Mommy Talk Show here. You can find her response to my questions and the questions she has for me here. I wish I was

  10. lakesriversoceansThis is really neat to have Stephen King read to us from “Under the Dome” This is very special. Thanks Stephen King!!! There is another reading that you may find interesting. A girl reads from the new book The Masseur. “Girl reads from the masseur by John Matthew Martin” at katieblueskiesnow

  11. , “Yeah, I’m good friends with Spidey; that’s why he lets me get such good shots,” or some equivalently “I’m on good terms” statement that was less of a lie but still obfuscated his identity AS Spidey, would that make it any more or less ethical?

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