Fama Thioune et Matar Seck ont divorcé

C’est un véritable coup de tonnerre. Une nouvelle à laquelle nous ne nous attendions vraiment pas. Pourtant très proche en apparence, le couple Fama Thioune – Matar Seck aurait décidé de se séparer, informe Sunustars.

En effet, l’animatrice de la TFM aurait décidé de quitter le frère de la grande diva Coumba Gawlo Seck. Pour ce qui est des raisons, nous restons dans le flou. Nous y reviendrons très prochainement.

882 Commentaires

  1. 9 juillet 2011Il n’y a pas à être objectif avec Secret Story. C’est de la merde, point barre, et les gens qui regardent (même pour rire) sont complices de cette merde (et méritent par conséquent le bûcher)Par contre, c’est vrai que cet article « marronnier » m’a un peu déçu, une simple impression de déjà vu quoi.

  2. I notice many of the tools you have listed are for the Apple platform. I have used Windows for many years and got a small taste of the “Panther” platform a few months ago when borrowing a friend’s Powerbook. After just two weeks, I was hooked and I have started an Apple savings account just so I can purchase an Apple. I guess it boils down to how familiar you are with an interface and platform, but I have found Apple software to be so much more intuitive.

  3. Halper has his eyes wide open. He pinpoints the problem:1. The US Congress2. The complacency of Israelis3. The blindness of US JewsIt’s not a real place to these people, it’s there to meet their needs. They need this idealized Leon Uris Israel to maintain their identity. If they came here, they wouldn’t like it.Except for the US Jewish fanatics, who come to Israel and make the place worse.

  4. I really do disagree with the idea of going for peace keeping in mali,i support the opinion of the Brig. Gen. Bola, and would want to add that we should tidy our house which is the issue of the boko harramist before interferring in some elses problem. Thanks

  5. hmmm, czasami zastanawia mnie skÄ…d u Ciebie Adamie takie opisy kolorów, jak np. czekoladowa spódnica? Jak wiadomo faceci nie odróżniajÄ… ich w taki sposób, dla nich to raczej brÄ…zowa spódnica. ZauważyÅ‚am to juz w nie jednym poÅ›cie, coÅ› tu jest podejrzanego…

  6. Also, some imams put a fatwa on Mark Zuckerberg for allowing the Everyone Draw Muhammed Facebook group. But they can’t go after all 12,000 people who posted images to the group. This is why the more people who are involved, the better. Post a thousand videos of Korans burning on YouTube. It will be great psychotherapy for them.

  7. Sep27Lewis I’m sorry. I did state myself incorrectly there. I did not make it out to be like singleness is awful. In fact, I’m currently single and loving my life. However, what I am saying, is that you cannot, or at least should not, withhold yourself from blessings that God may have in store for you.Love is a beautiful thing. And I know God loves you. I do not believe in a God who withholds Heaven from those who love Him.Thanks for your honesty. Hope you can appreciate mine.VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 4 votes)

  8. Hey Morgan, thanks for stopping in. I’m really wary of jumping in and over-generalizing what the book is about and how Bell goes about making his case. The book is just under 200 pages, so it’s a very quick read. My suggestion would be to not read the reviews & pick up a copy of the book And I agree… I’m tired of the heated rhetoric, too.

  9. It’s necessary to have a fresh set of eyes to catch typos, quirky wording, or sentences that stifle the flow of the story. An to offer encouragement.But above all, be polite. A critquer’s words can make or break a would-be author. And sometimes it seems the critiquer tries to make the author’s style into an exact clone of theirs.I could never work with a critique group who tried to stifle my style or personality.

  10. शेवट करायचा म्हणून गुंडाळलंय . काहीही विचार न करता शेवट केला गेला आहे. घनाचं अमेरिकेच स्वप्न, ज्या साठी तो डिव्होर्स द्यायला तयार झाला असतो, तो कसा काय पैशाकडे बघून जाणं कॅन्सल करतो? सगळं काही कनफ्युजन आहे .

  11. Niall, talk is cheap. What is China actually doing to stop NK from developing nukes? Nothing that I have been able to find.Short of military action, only China can do something about NK. Do some research and find out how much oil and food NK gets from China.

  12. The chicken coop is amazing! Good work? The chicks are now teenagers, aren’t they? Did you get rid of all your old chickens?. I kinda wish that we had a movable chicken coop, so we could put up temp fencing and move the chickens around. Our current chicken pen is pretty rough looking. Sometimes I go out there with a shovel just to mix up the dirt in the pen.Enjoy your peace and quiet – oh, wait, you’re having renovation done on the house, so it’s probably not that quiet! But at least that doesn’t happen at 2:30AM!!!

  13. Андрей:Да ладно, че трындеть то, на выплаты 2011 забили, ни кому не плятят и не где это не коментится. Огорчен даже не больше потому что потерял деньги, а то что верил в систему…

  14. One thing you don’t get here, and rarely get with other ultra-small apartments that have been ergonomically re-designed, is the negative aspects of the designs. For example, this one has the bed’s ‘reading and lighting’ inset in the far corner when the bed is down, making it very difficult to reach for items in that space.I really wish architects would be honest about their designs once complete.

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