Fama Thioune et Matar Seck ont divorcé

C’est un véritable coup de tonnerre. Une nouvelle à laquelle nous ne nous attendions vraiment pas. Pourtant très proche en apparence, le couple Fama Thioune – Matar Seck aurait décidé de se séparer, informe Sunustars.

En effet, l’animatrice de la TFM aurait décidé de quitter le frère de la grande diva Coumba Gawlo Seck. Pour ce qui est des raisons, nous restons dans le flou. Nous y reviendrons très prochainement.

882 Commentaires

  1. Hello Shirley,Ouch, that’s a bummer. The Mushroom walk was canceled due to no rain. We sent out another email and updated the calendar when we learned from our guide, Wm Levine, that there are no mushrooms. The workshop is rescheduled for August 5, and this time we are asking for RSVP partially so we can let people know if the date must change again.

  2. This is one of several factors why I keep returning to this blog. This blog post is a great deal of ideas and I cannot wait to begin utilizing them. I love how it is obvious that you made a ton of time and effort in researching. I hate it when I continue reading postings that are 550 words long but are wanting in substance. It is like they just want to catch you in and they’re not really showing something first-rate. So thanks a lot!

  3. MOONLIGHT!!! I just watched the whole season over again this past week. I miss it dearly and I think it is so true when I hear people say that it was “ahead of its time.” If it had come out a couple years later, I bet the ratings would be very high, and they still can be if it is brought back! <3

  4. Hej Wenche,Hvor er det sejt af dig at du bare fatter pindende og prøver dig frem.Det er den bedste måde at få erfaring på, og jeg beundrer virkelig dit gå-på-mod.Og så vil jeg gerne sige dig tak, fodi du skrev så sød en hilsen i din bog, som min svigerdatter gav mig i julegave. Jeg er rigtig glad for den hilsen og synes det er en kanon-god bog, som giver mig SÅ meget inspiration til at sy dukker.Mange hilsener fra Kirsten

  5. Adam Hughes made the website as well as this video, the shovel is the same in the 5th video as it is in the picture on the website, theres no such place as felynamynydd and I believe this Adam Hughes works at the Yellow House bar in London I went over and over this last night and think its a brilliant viral story to make the Yellow House more business, 10* given though for this as it is brilliant!!VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 6 votes)

  6. Sorry if I was not clear. To me, coming from the dedicated server world, the WHM/Cpanel system is quite clear. The same dedicated server has “BIND” (named) running, which handles the DNS. I am trying to replicate basically a dedicated hosting server on the Ec2. So I would like BIND running on the same server, and therefore A records and CNAME running from there too. Is this NOT how you are setting up EC2?

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