Fama Thioune et Matar Seck ont divorcé

C’est un véritable coup de tonnerre. Une nouvelle à laquelle nous ne nous attendions vraiment pas. Pourtant très proche en apparence, le couple Fama Thioune – Matar Seck aurait décidé de se séparer, informe Sunustars.

En effet, l’animatrice de la TFM aurait décidé de quitter le frère de la grande diva Coumba Gawlo Seck. Pour ce qui est des raisons, nous restons dans le flou. Nous y reviendrons très prochainement.

882 Commentaires

  1. that was crazy was that he did not love J Lo. Whatever?!?!? If Jenny from the block had not dropped him like a bad habit he never would have gotten back with Kim. I mean this fool made a video with a chick in there that looked just like Jenny! Talking about “I need a girl”. That chick did not look anything like Kim! He would drop Kim again if he thought he had a slight chance of getting with Ms. Lopez again. Ha!

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  3. It can be faster than Sonic IF they make a car capable of being faster than Sonic.He’s the fastest thing alive because he’s faster than anything else that’s living. His top speed is 760 miles per hour. No other living thing can get even near that. But that’s also SO fast that it’s hard to get a lot of non-living things to match that speed, and Sam’s car wasn’t up to it.

  4. to add to your No 5:Yes, Gen Ham was relieved of command:After repeated demands of 'stand down', Gen Ham decided to ignore and assist to save these men's lives; 30 sec later – his 2nd in command – Gen Rodiguez – arrested Gen Ham, and relieved him of his command.Panetta and obama are promoting Gen Rodigues as next commander for AFRICOM.Would love to hear what Gen Ham would say, if he could; sure he isgag-ordered; may he resign in protest.

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  7. Oct 22nd 2012 Soil condition is everything especially in a wet climate like Florida. Leaves will fall off if they get too cold at night, or from over-watering. You want to make sure to use a well-draining soil and it sounds like they are not getting the nutrients they need to be healthy and strong. Make sure to use Calcium/Magnesium for better fruit structure. What kind of soil are you using, are they in containers, raised beds, or just the ground?

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