Fama Thioune et Matar Seck ont divorcé

C’est un véritable coup de tonnerre. Une nouvelle à laquelle nous ne nous attendions vraiment pas. Pourtant très proche en apparence, le couple Fama Thioune – Matar Seck aurait décidé de se séparer, informe Sunustars.

En effet, l’animatrice de la TFM aurait décidé de quitter le frère de la grande diva Coumba Gawlo Seck. Pour ce qui est des raisons, nous restons dans le flou. Nous y reviendrons très prochainement.

882 Commentaires

  1. à®®.மோ.சி, ப.சி எல்லா சிக்கும் தமிழர்களுக்கு ஆதரவா ஏதாச்சும் சொன்னாலோ செஞ்சாலோ சோனியா அம்மையாருக்கு ஆவேசம் வந்துடும்ன்னு பயம். தமிழ் நாà001000®Ÿà¯ இந்தியக் குடியரசில் இருப்பது அம்மையாருக்குப் சுத்தமா பிடிக்கல்லைன்னு தோணுது.

  2. O Executivo Costa/Roseta julgam-se DONOS da cidade e ACIMA DA LEI.Esses espectáculos diários no Parque, os aumentos dos funcionários desde Janeiro, foram uma sujeira eleitoralistaque deu frutosMAIORIA ABSOLUTAMas não nos calamos !

  3. that is so Beautifull ..my son died in a rollover 7-27-11 around they say 1;30 am …on 7-26 -11 just before dark this feeling or voice come over me saying someone going to die no names. a few days before this he was getting his jeep cheerokee runing when we went to pick it up a feeling came over me saying have him take my truck i told him this but he wouldnt do it …i feel that i could have saved my son life … if i could only some how learn to listen to me.. i have had other things that has happend .. Help

  4. hankka: Köszi! Nagyon finom!Panna: Nagyon finom a kenyér! Miért nem próbálod meg kézzel, nem nagy ördöngősség! Nekem sincs kenyérdagasztóm!Gabriella: Köszi!Böbe: Köszi, nagyon finom!Mammka: Mielőbbi gyógyulást kívánok.Elég masszív most a betegséged!HajniZoli: Egészen más az íze mint a boltinak! Köszi!Kati: Köszi!Baloghné Kele Judit:Üdvözöllek! Köszi és örülök ha valamivel segíthetek.Jó blogírást sok sikert, majd megnézem a blogodat!Katalin: Köszi! Hidd el szívesen adnék akár két szeletet is!

  5. Nadie se burla de tu familia, Anonimo, la foto que publicamos viene de una revista, es un reportaje que realizan sobre la pobreza. El comentario que hacemos de la foto se refiere al duro trabajo que esta mujer realiza para poder obtener un poco de dinero. En ningun momento nos burlamos de ella, ni de su familia, su situacion o su pueblo, todo lo contrario: Decimos que el gobierno nos tiene a millones de mexicanos en la pobreza y que ya basta de que se hagan tontos y no nos ayuden.

  6. Salve, vorrei iniziare dei rapporti ” anche se difficile capire se fare il porta a porta iniziale o tramite web” con distributori alimentari americani o direttamente ristoranti o simili che potrebbero essere interessati ad acquistare olio extravergine d’oliva pugliese. Pensate che sia fattibile?

  7. Thats exactly what I said. It is basically breathing pepper spray on purpose because it hurts so bad it distracts from other pain. Really that is ridiculous, hence why I suggested the man who proposed it be removed of his medical license.Although they should try putting a pain killer into a nasal spray, to get it into the blood stream faster. Because as cluster-suffers know, the earlier you can abort a cluster headache the better a chance you have at actually knocking it out.

  8. I’m with Melissa…..the train cars in Water for Elephants are the most memorable “homes” that I have read about recently. In some ways, they almost sounded cozy….Please enter me in your giveaway! Happy Friday!k9kutter64 AT hotmail DOT com

  9. I love the Bookette! She was very kind to Dido a few months back…this is a good idea. I am about to read a proof of Sally Prue's ICE MAIDEN which is out next Feb. The title is very appropriate at the moment and Sally (okay, I admit it,she's a friend of mine!!) is a wonderful writer who deserves ot be better known and more widely read.

  10. Niklas: Om du tänker efter, är det nu du ska hota oss med att gÃ¥ ur? Är det SJF som tagit gÃ¥rdagens beslut? Behövs medlemmar och resurser mindre med en sämre politik?Straffa dem som straffas bör, det är val om ett par Ã¥r…

  11. Based on your statements “update their software… there is no physical item…”, you are correct that no AES record is required in this scenario. The AES is used to track tangible goods that leave the United States. Even though there is a Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) license you still are not required to file the information in the AES because there is no tangible item. However, you must adhere to BIS’s licensing requirements.

  12. My pastor husband loves to challenge churches when he speaks by asking them, “If your church doors closed today, would the community around it know it was gone? Would it be missed?” Praise God, CP Bellevue is way ahead of this challenge!!.-= LaVon Baker´s last blog .. =-.

  13. A question that has long obsessed me to. A seeming paradox: i) characters must be consistent throughout; ii) characters must develop.The way I see it is: characters don't really change. They just discover something new about themselves that they never knew was there. To draw an example from classic literature: in 'Kung Fu Panda' Po is set on becoming a great warrior. The secret to his enlightenment is hidden in a scroll which is always out of reach. When he finally gets hold of it, he discovers it is blank. He realises 'there is no secret ingredient!' – he was great all along, but did not know it.

  14. Fånga dagen,gläds åt det du har och glöm ej ordet förlåt! Dessa citat ar fått en djupare innebörd för mig efter att pappa gått bort. Mamma dog för 5 år sedan och nu har jag förlorat båda mina föräldrar alldeles för tidigt. Vi saknar er! Julkram Helén p.s Ta hand om er alla!

  15. that pitcher is GENIOUS! i always want to flavor water with cucumber and lemon but then I end up eating so many seeds and lots of unwanted pulp. I love that you can seperate the flavors from the water! awesome class, I have always wanted to take a cooking class, esp with my mama!! remember at Vlora one of the appetizers was arancini! mmmm it all looks delish!

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