Fama Thioune et Matar Seck ont divorcé

C’est un véritable coup de tonnerre. Une nouvelle à laquelle nous ne nous attendions vraiment pas. Pourtant très proche en apparence, le couple Fama Thioune – Matar Seck aurait décidé de se séparer, informe Sunustars.

En effet, l’animatrice de la TFM aurait décidé de quitter le frère de la grande diva Coumba Gawlo Seck. Pour ce qui est des raisons, nous restons dans le flou. Nous y reviendrons très prochainement.

882 Commentaires

  1. C’est assez rare de voir un chef d’entreprise de reconnaître aussi ouvertement certaines erreurs commises dans le passé, donc bravo pour avoir franchi le pas.Si on fait du bon boulot, nos clients deviennent nos prescripteurs. Si on fait du bon boulot, nos partenaires et fournisseurs deviennent nos prescripteurs aussi. Bref, le réseau est la clé de toute réussite. Il faut constamment l’entretenir, le faire évoluer et le consolider.Bon courage pour la suite en tout cas, que ce soit au niveau professionnel ou personnel.

  2. Differential voting Jeff. Labour did extremely well in Glasgow for the same reason the Obama campaign pulled it back – targeting. They got every Labour voter out whereas the SNP did not get their voters out. On a low turnout that gave Labour the victory. I am not taking anything away from them because it was a good campaign – but only 32 per cent of people voted. With the referendum, we will be looking at at a turnout of at the very least 60 per cent, possibly up to 80 per cent even in places like Glasgow.

  3. It's long odds that Bush knew personally (and probably fairly well) at least one lesbian… I wouldn't be surprised to find out that other than necessary political functions the Obamas have never socialized with "one of them".But the primary driver here is $$$ – expanding .gov benefits will make Social Security broker faster

  4. Para a primeira festa de aniversário da Francisca fiz uma festa pequenina, só com família porque me fazia mais sentido assim. Mas para o ano talvez faça uma coisa maior, já com algum amiguinho, daí ter achado as dicas interessantes. Agora honestamente, sleep over só quando já arrumarem as coisas sozinhos 🙂 Beijinho

  5. Being in a machine shop for the last 25 years is not doing me any favors either Biker, when i do develop lung cancer it’ll be from the synthetic coolants i’ve been inhaling for all that time, i don’t think the lung cancer will come from smoking a pack a day.If anything the damn tar and nicotine is acting as a protective barrier against the poison i inhale 9 hours a day.I was hired to work in Raritan steel in the mid 80′s, first day was orientation, that was my LAST DAY, No Thanks!

  6. 1. Hypertension2. Hypertension patients 3a. This app will serve as a way to remind hypertension patients to check and record their blood pressure everyday. It will notify the patient via text at the appropriate time (chosen by them upon installing the app) to check their blood pressure and will have a log in which they can record their daily blood pressure.3b. A limitation to this app is that it requires the patient not only to have their phone close by them every day at the designated time, but also to have a blood pressure monitor nearby for them to use.

  7. Hola a todos, despues de 8 o 9 años, voy a intentar cancelar las cuentas de este banco, y digo intentar porque no puedo hacerlo hasta que me devuelvan casi 600 € retenidos indebidamente, al cargarme por duplicado dos operaciones de transferencias. No me hacen ni caso despues de tres semanas. Acaban de perder un cliente y aviso para incautos. No son de fiar


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