Imam Nao : “Ils m’ont accusé d’avoir enceinté ma fille…”

Quelques jours après sa libération, l’Imam Alioune Ndao brise petit à petit le silence sur sa période de détention.

Dans ce sens, il raconte une anecdote sur le fait qu’il ait été accusé d’avoir eu un enfant avec sa fille.

855 Commentaires

  1. Excellente tribune, nombreuses et intéresantes réactions. Et cette référence au film Soleil Vert est la cerise sur le gâteau (Hum !). Tout cela me donne d’ailleurs un peu faim. Je vais de ce pas avaler un ou deux de ces délicieux cookies de cette nouvelle marque distribuée à titre promotionnel dans les gares. Les pépites ne sont plus en chocolat, leur goût est un peu indéfinissable … mais bon ils sont nutritionnellement équilibrés: protéines, graisse animale, … En plus il sont labelisés “bioéthiques”.Euh j’arrête ici car mon humour noir m’ a donné la nausée

  2. Hallo tante Paulien,is het leuk in zuidafrika?Hier is het best wel goed alleen is het hier niet zo heel erg lekker weer zoals bij jullie (niet dat het hier zooooo slecht weer is) maar gewoon goedik ben best trots op je, want niet elke tante gaat met zakken vol beesies naar zuidafrika.Ik ga je wel missen hoor. Groetjes van…. P.s. weet je het echt niet? oke ik zet het wel op het schermpje…. Roos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DOEI !

  3. You get all fruits at the cambridge layout junction after Sai Baba temple. Veggies- the keerai gals are the walking ones- ther should be one stationed outside St. Anne's…. ?MK Ahmed on CMH Rd (near the hospital not near Double Rd) offers a fresh selection of furits and veggies.Tippasandra mkt is another good place- and yeah the Hopcoms guys are decent.

  4. Ha, ha – I love how big you made that pic! If you were still dancing with Luis, you would have to do it! Presents for dance teachers are so hard – on the one hand, it’s a very intimate relationship (talk about someone knowing your weaknesses and fears and body image issues, etc.!), but on the other it’s professional (customer/client). Hard to find a middle ground. P.S. – where is Pasha; I haven’t seen him in forever?

  5. Your writing could use some improvement to better drive house your points, but the tone of the argument is correct on. I speak from experience since the nonprofit I work for runs an annual little company competitors, and what most of our applicants have in common is that they’ve figured out individuals practices that help them contiually outperform their competitors, who generally are bigger.

  6. . Down with Windows!They succeeded so well due to their DOS program, which was an excellent program for businesses at the time. Now that that program is outdated and obsolete, what does Microsoft have to stand on? Especially when so many good products out there are free……I’m glad Bill Gates is doing much good in the world with all his riches, but his company has, for too long, put out crap. It’s time to say goodbye to them.

  7. BW: The Whole Foods in DC (at least the one I know) is anomalous, in that there is very little competition. A better comparison of the price/service continuum would be downtown Silver Spring, where you have Giant, Whole Foods, and Sniders. The lines at Giant are always longest, in my experience.

  8. disse:leio o blog, leio o grupo de discussão, mas raramente comento pq chego tarde e invariavelmente alguém já disse o que eu queria dizer então acho desnecessário repetir só pra marcar posição. mas nesse caso quero dizer que o texto é maravilhoso e que leila diniz sempre foi uma forte inspiração pra que eu me sentisse desde sempre feminista. bjs

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  11. Never mind this ass Duke of Wellington. If he doesn’t like your blog he should just move to another or write you privately if he sincerly thinks you could use his comments. Seems like he’s either maladjusted or you dumped him. anyway…I like your blog a lot but particularly like what you have to say about feminism. Wish you had categories so I could get to those posts more quickly.

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