Imam Nao : “Ils m’ont accusé d’avoir enceinté ma fille…”

Quelques jours après sa libération, l’Imam Alioune Ndao brise petit à petit le silence sur sa période de détention.

Dans ce sens, il raconte une anecdote sur le fait qu’il ait été accusé d’avoir eu un enfant avec sa fille.

855 Commentaires

  1. “Be kind to yourself” Such a simple thought. I think everyone wins when we’re kind to ourselves. Thank you for the reminder. You have always been my teacher around this one. And I love that it’s become so simple. Like you said, Tess, “it’s a choice”. Thank you, once again for your wisdom and beautiful open heart. I love you, my friend.

  2. Comment Wana, vous ne savez pas qu’on ne met pas « Ã¨ » après XVI pour indiquer le siècle ? Les puristes écrivent XVIe et les plus puristes mettent même le petit e en hauteur, mais ça va bien comme ça ! Quant à moi, il me faudrait bien au moins 33 régénérations !

  3. Oíga compañero, últimamente está usted "sembrao".Sólo un pequeño apunte que concide con el de la inconmensurable Gèni. No creo que CiU pacte con el PP. Lo más probable es que sea ERC o incluso el propio PSC, el que dé soporte a esa previsible mayoría regionalista.En el resto coincido totalmente, como suele ser, excepto en el asunto que ya sabes.Adios, sabio de Rivas, un abrazo.

  4. When I first found out about youtube I didn't know what was the point and now I know. But now I miss all the old youtubers that made there old school videos, you know with the crappy quality, but now I feel like im watching tv with HD. But I always see youtube because there is no other place like it. It is inspiring in soo many ways.

  5. “As well as allowing border guards and law enforcement officials to inspect laptops and iPods for music and videos that may violate copyright laws”As far as I know, C-61 doesn’t include anything about border searches. You might be thinking about the proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.

  6. Om man ska betala för att vara med sÃ¥ är man inte BJUDEN! DÃ¥ är det väl likställt med vilket restaurangbesök som helst. MÃ¥ hända att ”Restaurangen” är hemma i nÃ¥ns villa eller trädgÃ¥rd. Bjudning är det dock inte.

  7. Dr. Licciardi,I had a tubal reversal may of last year and during that time, dye was not able to get through the tubes. Does that mean I have a blockage? Or is it damaged tissue? Is there anything that can be done for this other than an IVF? I am planning on seeing a specialist in a couple of weeks to evaluate this and determine if an IVF is the only way to go. Your advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated also. Thank u.

  8. Dear NATHAB:I just watched that adorable video of the mother spreading herself out on the ice so as not to fall thru, while her baby followed her. I just adored it!However, I noticed a radio collar was attached her neck.My question is: what if she eats so many seals this year and gets really fat there? Will the collar begin to be too tight?Thanks, Erin

  9. D – Totally unrelated to the topic at hand, I just wanted to say that it’s great to see that you’ve surfaced from your never-ending, swallowed-you-up case. And it’s great to have you back in the conversation. Hope you’re enjoying having some breathing room back in your life!

  10. earlier Barry must be rolling over laughing, if he's read any of this. I'm not an obot. My point is, and has always been, to think outside the box. Soetoro and co.(that includes congress) don't think or believe we can gather in the multitudes to fix this. So far, they're right. I say, do the unexpected. Organize, choose a leader, and pick a date in the sometime near future. Now, If Barry were to read that, he might not be laughing so much, or so loud. Hell, I can hear him laughing thousands of miles away.

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