Imam Nao : “Ils m’ont accusé d’avoir enceinté ma fille…”

Quelques jours après sa libération, l’Imam Alioune Ndao brise petit à petit le silence sur sa période de détention.

Dans ce sens, il raconte une anecdote sur le fait qu’il ait été accusé d’avoir eu un enfant avec sa fille.

855 Commentaires

  1. I'm really enjoying your unique view. The style of these ladies is undeniable and your eye for seeing their "something special" is wonderful. I only hope to carry myself with as much grace and beautiful abandon when i am in the silver stages of my life 🙂

  2. I’m overwhelmed on 2 fronts with photos. First, a few years back I thought it would be a great idea and gift to scrap my friend’s family blog. It has been both of those but I am SO behind. Second, I’m making a scrapbook, well, it might fit into 4, about my friend’s daughter who survived being hit by an SUV. It is a testimony of God in her life. Lots of photos from her time in the hospital and all the stories that were a part of that. So yes, I need your class. And some chocolate.

  3. Nur ein paar? Bei dir ist doch schon eine Menge los. Bei mir sind die Krokusse verblüht, die Miniosterglocken schlagen sich tapfer und die Veilchen (!) blühen. Die haben wohl wirklich im Monat geirrt.Grüße! N.

  4. / His Honorable father would roll over in his grave if this looser son presented this plan to him. Something is wrong with this guys intellect if he believes that Americans want to be politically correct at Christmas.. I believe Lincoln has a repressed urge put on his ballet slippers and audition for a position in the "Nut Crackers Sweet".

  5. No comments regarding the sanction for regulated meat eating and prostitution within the Iskcon society??   The fact no one has argued against it is a good sign that some devotees can accept the reality of the Acarya's simple statements without getting worked up into sanctimonious pseudo indignation.

  6. para tener ese traje de socioy como loases socio o no loasesy pueden coprarmec el trajey yolo rebisotodo lo que me conprarono no osi porfabor silla porqe misamigos serienyo soy diosmi ijoquiere que leagas socioen clud penguin }o no llotecastigo o atuermanoporfaborasle socio en clud penguinpor fabor haslesocion en clud penguin ote pego o lellamo al diablopara que te que tequemezs con elya por fabor listo

  7. It took my daughter 5 years to learn to ride a bike because of her motor skills delays and her balance and coordination issues. We found that riding a scooter helped a lot, it allowed her to develop some of the bike riding skills in an easier setting. My daughter rides her bike really well now:) Good luck to your daughter.

  8. Voilà, mon ptit frère de 40 balais vient de laisser sa vie dans un coma éthylique… Il avait deux ptits enfants. Il est rentré chez lui seul après avoir bu chez un pote probablement et a du faire coma, arrêt respiratoire et mort… Nous l’avons trouvé 1 ou 2 jours après, couché par terre, cyanosé et glacé… Souvent on oublie que l’alcool est une drogue en vente libre, socialement admise, voire conviviale…

  9. Bien,Creo que estas como yo. Solo que yo no tengo una acer para ir haciendo …Ahora uso macos, pero tengo en mente volver a GNU cuando tenga mas tiempo libre. De hecho tenia intención de instalar el Dapper Drake cuando salga la estable.Salut.

  10. What reason is there to believe that SSPX priests want to teach in diocesan seminaries? If they are hired by a bishop, they can be fired by the same bishop. I don’t sense a great deal of trust from that community; it seems destined to prevent some from being fully reconciled, and even those who are reconciled may choose to play it safe and stay in their own chapels, subject only to their own bishop. That would prevent them from picking up habits from the “Novus Ordo priests” — and vice versa.

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