Now I understand why Michael “Skeletor” Chertoff had a ‘gut feeling’ that there would be a terrorist attack. He just didn’t mention that the ‘terrorists’ would be BushCo.Why shouldn’t Bush feel confident in attacking Iran? No one has stopped him before; why should he think anyone will now? He’s not going to ask permission from the American people, I can guarantee that. That’s not how the Deciderer rolls.
Min teori är att Salminen och hans “trosgelikar” har inte förstÃ¥tt, att de ska sätta invÃ¥naren i centrum och inte de kapitalstarka. Med deras profil kommer hela tiden den “vardaglige svensken” i kläm och pÃ¥ undantag. Sverige lever därför i en stor risktid.Att de hinner förstöra för mycket innan de mÃ¥ste avgÃ¥.
Awesome post, such practical advice – love the “anything is better than nothing” tip! Love the idea of thinking of fun little games to do in the house – what a great way to make some holiday memories!
some comments are sometimes better than the post itself I believe strategies are just a tool to keep you on track, but should always be adapted to new projects, and be build up slowly, well the last bit (building up slowly) is more personal, it seems to work better for me and it is easier to do than start with something huge, which tends to make me feel overwhelmed. Looking forward to hear what you have under control, once you are there!
Ser så koselig ut hos deg :)Må nok vaske og ordne litt i dag jeg også, men da får man i hvert fall en ren og god start på uka!Ha en god mandag :)Klem Elisabeth
In the mainstream mental measurement literature this phenomenon is generally refered to as a threshold rather than a floor but its the same concept.Consider basketball. Height is known to be important in basketball. So there is a correlation in the general population between height and basketball ability. Yet in the NBA there is no such correlation. When everyone is tall, height differences are not important.Michael Jordan was only 6’5″. I’m about that same height so I should be just as good as he was. Right?
Those pants make me wet! Sorry they do I think they are freaking amazing, and I love the crotch shot! I disagree too because I think they look killer on you, but look at how freaky I dress, what the hell do I know 🙂 I think they are asstastic! Little LB is the sweetest munchkin ever! I also think you look great in jeans, both pairs and I'm not just saying this. Maybe I just like it too because it's different. Now I want to spank you just cuz!LOVEYOUwaymorethanjeans~Krista
May27 I’m not really sure I follow. This data is for anything about 5.5m/s running. The data included in the sprint efforts post is part of this data (and not excluded as separate).
buenas compre un cara sucia año 81 y realmente estoynecesitando varias piezas de ese carro primordial lo que es las parrillas y los stops de verdad el que me pueda ayudar a conseguirlos se los agradeceria
The Bird House Tree in light pink is gorgeous too, but I love the prize of the Forest Friends in pink also. That deer just looks SO real!
b4El pan tiene una pinta increible, y con todo lo que nos has contado, voy a tener que intentarlo… si no voy a tener que volver a Holanda…Un saludo, Begoña148
Nathalie heeft naar eigen zeggen “een super weekend” gehad. De installatie was leuk, de piratenstampot met andijvie en spruitjes was super lekker en de kussengevechten waren lachen. Ook het kampvuur met marsh mellows en de speurtocht met schat vielen in goede aarde. Leiding bedankt voor alles wat jullie voor ze gedaan hebben complimenten.
If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.VA:F [1.9.17_1161]please wait…
Dear Lizzie, it’s amazing the way music – and all art – speaks differently to different people, isn’t it? How these words fit your story, as unique as it is! Lovely and true. Thanks for sharing this with me…I love to hear stories like yours and know the music is making some kind of a mark. grace&peace to you, christa
I see the similarities. This is how hospitals are run, exactly. The doctors and nurses will be courageous as possible when multiple patients are taken down by a flaw in their HIT systems, and the CEO wants it covered up, and then more patients will go down.
Obama increasing taxes and “spreading te wealth “, for the unproductive people ,whose some will watch T.V. while getting their welfare checks by Obama and while others working hard to make a living and being taxed by Obama, is not only one of the “policies” of Obama that scares me. Obama is a dangerous for our country, our people.
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Uma correcção de pormenor. Digitei um "r" em vez de um "t" no nome do meu amigo Francisco Cota Fagundes.Eles estão mesmo ao pé um do outro…
Now I understand why Michael “Skeletor” Chertoff had a ‘gut feeling’ that there would be a terrorist attack. He just didn’t mention that the ‘terrorists’ would be BushCo.Why shouldn’t Bush feel confident in attacking Iran? No one has stopped him before; why should he think anyone will now? He’s not going to ask permission from the American people, I can guarantee that. That’s not how the Deciderer rolls.
si Fillon est vraiment le mieux placé à droite pour 2012, la meilleure façon de le neutraliser est de le garder à sa place, ce que le petit Nicolas a fait et Borloo a terminé de perdre le jour où cette enquête est parue
Min teori är att Salminen och hans “trosgelikar” har inte förstÃ¥tt, att de ska sätta invÃ¥naren i centrum och inte de kapitalstarka. Med deras profil kommer hela tiden den “vardaglige svensken” i kläm och pÃ¥ undantag. Sverige lever därför i en stor risktid.Att de hinner förstöra för mycket innan de mÃ¥ste avgÃ¥.
Awesome post, such practical advice – love the “anything is better than nothing” tip! Love the idea of thinking of fun little games to do in the house – what a great way to make some holiday memories!
some comments are sometimes better than the post itself I believe strategies are just a tool to keep you on track, but should always be adapted to new projects, and be build up slowly, well the last bit (building up slowly) is more personal, it seems to work better for me and it is easier to do than start with something huge, which tends to make me feel overwhelmed. Looking forward to hear what you have under control, once you are there!
Ser så koselig ut hos deg :)Må nok vaske og ordne litt i dag jeg også, men da får man i hvert fall en ren og god start på uka!Ha en god mandag :)Klem Elisabeth
In the mainstream mental measurement literature this phenomenon is generally refered to as a threshold rather than a floor but its the same concept.Consider basketball. Height is known to be important in basketball. So there is a correlation in the general population between height and basketball ability. Yet in the NBA there is no such correlation. When everyone is tall, height differences are not important.Michael Jordan was only 6’5″. I’m about that same height so I should be just as good as he was. Right?
Joli mini! J'aime beaucoup le papier que tu as utilisé pour l'intérieur, ça un petit air "vieillot" que j'aime bien.Tu m'as donné l'envie d'en faire un :)Bises de MontréalDolphina
Those pants make me wet! Sorry they do I think they are freaking amazing, and I love the crotch shot! I disagree too because I think they look killer on you, but look at how freaky I dress, what the hell do I know 🙂 I think they are asstastic! Little LB is the sweetest munchkin ever! I also think you look great in jeans, both pairs and I'm not just saying this. Maybe I just like it too because it's different. Now I want to spank you just cuz!LOVEYOUwaymorethanjeans~Krista
May27 I’m not really sure I follow. This data is for anything about 5.5m/s running. The data included in the sprint efforts post is part of this data (and not excluded as separate).
buenas compre un cara sucia año 81 y realmente estoynecesitando varias piezas de ese carro primordial lo que es las parrillas y los stops de verdad el que me pueda ayudar a conseguirlos se los agradeceria
The Bird House Tree in light pink is gorgeous too, but I love the prize of the Forest Friends in pink also. That deer just looks SO real!
Puxa vida, estou sem o volante e não há meios de ajustar para o teclado e o mouse… uma pena. Apesar de haver uma volta registrada que dá para ter uma idéia do traçado.
b4El pan tiene una pinta increible, y con todo lo que nos has contado, voy a tener que intentarlo… si no voy a tener que volver a Holanda…Un saludo, Begoña148
Nathalie heeft naar eigen zeggen “een super weekend” gehad. De installatie was leuk, de piratenstampot met andijvie en spruitjes was super lekker en de kussengevechten waren lachen. Ook het kampvuur met marsh mellows en de speurtocht met schat vielen in goede aarde. Leiding bedankt voor alles wat jullie voor ze gedaan hebben complimenten.
If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.VA:F [1.9.17_1161]please wait…
Dear Lizzie, it’s amazing the way music – and all art – speaks differently to different people, isn’t it? How these words fit your story, as unique as it is! Lovely and true. Thanks for sharing this with me…I love to hear stories like yours and know the music is making some kind of a mark. grace&peace to you, christa
I see the similarities. This is how hospitals are run, exactly. The doctors and nurses will be courageous as possible when multiple patients are taken down by a flaw in their HIT systems, and the CEO wants it covered up, and then more patients will go down.
Obama increasing taxes and “spreading te wealth “, for the unproductive people ,whose some will watch T.V. while getting their welfare checks by Obama and while others working hard to make a living and being taxed by Obama, is not only one of the “policies” of Obama that scares me. Obama is a dangerous for our country, our people.