Imam Nao : “Ils m’ont accusé d’avoir enceinté ma fille…”

Quelques jours après sa libération, l’Imam Alioune Ndao brise petit à petit le silence sur sa période de détention.

Dans ce sens, il raconte une anecdote sur le fait qu’il ait été accusé d’avoir eu un enfant avec sa fille.

855 Commentaires

  1. I’ve been having issues with my Windows hosting. It has set me back quite a bit while making the next list. This is the current list that I have. I should add another list in less than a week. I’ll let you all know when the next list is ready. Thank you for your patience.

  2. "I agree that Stillapanther didn't sound very Panther-like when he suggested that our children go to the military or serve in the Peace Corps. The Panthers denounced this sort of thinking and rightfully so."Mell, You show your ignorance about the history of the Panthers. You have a lack of understanding about them, and their philosophy. Today is NOT the same as yesterday. You insult people as if you have the right to do so. You are one small-time arrogant judging egostical preacher…callous and offensively ignorant.

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  7. Dear Bob. I sat back and really enjoyed your perceptions about the pictures of our childhood and our digital picture taking today. What a wonderful tribute you have given to your mom who obviously was a mentor for you. This inspires me to sit with my family and look at old albums together when we get together for Memorial Day. You reflected on this topic “just right.” Thank you.

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  9. qui emerge più che in àmbiti diversi, la mentalità del complottista:Se io avessi la sensazione, suffragata da altrui punti di vista, che “qualcuno” o “qualche cosa” ci sta fregando, sta nascondendo la verità, sta causando un disastro planetario…Che farei?Beh, cercherei di comprendere la verità, di indagare per CAPIRE DAVVERO come stanno le cose.Il complottista, invece, cerca CONSENSI di altri che la pensano esattamente come lui, e null’altro.Assolutamente si tiene distante da qualunque barlume di verità!Avete notato?

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