Love your Blog Sonia, particularly the Tapas! I have a Tapas class next month and it’s always good to have some new ideas to introduce to everyone, thanks. Alli
Congrats on the Chiang Mai story Maisey!It is such a lovely cover, and I’m still so excited – I barely slept last night… how sad Can’t wait to read your story, and Barb’s and Aimee’s, really hoping the author copies arrive soon.
Jad, finding one person in the mazes of Gaza city is like trying to find the proverbial needle in the haystack. I am glad the Israeli leaders were smart enough not to set this up as an objective to the war, as it would have been a surefire way to mark the operation as a failure.
Jamilthe other reason drilling willy nilly is a bad idea, is that the oil we have in the groud is a rapidly appreciating asset, one that we may need down the road. sucking the tanks dry now is a very short sighted move that will come back to bite us later.
De voorgestelde transparantie vereist zowel van werkgevers, intermediairs als vacaturesites enige inspanning. Als alle partijen tenminste de waarde van het adequaat informeren van de belangrijkste doelgroep als relevant beschouwen. Wat helaas nog altijd geen praktijk blijkt te zijn. Merkwaardig maar waar.
Seriously. >__> I get the idea behind not counting situations where the PC’s gender is player-determined (though I thought having kids in Skyrim tell my female PC that they wanted to grow up to be warriors like her was pretty neat), but Arkham City’s a perfect example of a case where passing the Bechdel test doesn’t indicate that the material isn’t full of gender-fail.
Sorry to hijack, especially so quickly, but does anyone know of a website were I could find Scottish election results going as far back at the 60s? Thanks!
sa bading. natawa me sa linya mong yan!gasgasero din me ng bulsa.ay magaling din pala me mag lol lol lolnatawa me much sa gawa mo pre
we are completely disorganised, and the biggest rally or march we have done so far had 30 people max, I doubt there is one chance over a million that we could organize something like you say.
Jim, I personally love the story. Just out of curiosity what did the school and your wife say about it? Did he really turn it in? Doesen’t sound like a elementy kid to me.
Olsen was one of my favourite places in BA. I’ve been going there since the mid 2000′s. And agree that the food used to be better. We met up with some friends there a couple of weeks ago – after years of Olsen “abstinence”- and I found the food a tiny bit disappointing. Service was good, though. Not great, just good enough.
Stunning!! You have the stairs, and runner, I would love to see gracing my home one of these days!! Your home is just gorgeous and this adds to all the loveliness!!!
Ik heb zo’n eentje van P2, een groene die roodheid tegengaat maar geeft ook een glow. Wel fijn opzich, die van Essence lijkt me ook wel wat!
While it is true that CLABSIs (and other nosocomial infections) will never reach 0%, the infection rate can be reduced substantially. There are a number of studies that show CVC infection rates can be lowered through implementation of process measures (such as compliance with the IHI bundle) and checklists. In our own hospital we have reduced our CLABSI rate by 400% over 4 years through an intensive intervention including retraining and credentialing all providers in US-guided CVC placement, educating nursing staff in line care, and a QI process with checklists and tracking of all infections.
I just want to clear one point if i am correct. The issue of customers comparing your brand with stylo and ECS might be the communication failure at your brand level. Why customers did not compared your brand with international brands ? like Charles & Keith, PrettyFit.
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Salut,J’adore ton blog, felicitations.Juste une remarque, certaines de tes photos apparaissent de coté.Sur cet article ta 2ème photo tu es debout moi je te vois allongé.Je suis sur ipad je sais pas si ça a une incidence.Bises et continue comme ça.
Love your Blog Sonia, particularly the Tapas! I have a Tapas class next month and it’s always good to have some new ideas to introduce to everyone, thanks. Alli
Congrats on the Chiang Mai story Maisey!It is such a lovely cover, and I’m still so excited – I barely slept last night… how sad Can’t wait to read your story, and Barb’s and Aimee’s, really hoping the author copies arrive soon.
Jad, finding one person in the mazes of Gaza city is like trying to find the proverbial needle in the haystack. I am glad the Israeli leaders were smart enough not to set this up as an objective to the war, as it would have been a surefire way to mark the operation as a failure.
Élizabeth ne manque pas d’humour en décorant Nicolas de l’ordre du Bain après son plongeon dans les sondages et la douche froide des municipales.Si elle ne lui a pas conféré la Jarretière c’est peut-être parce qu’elle n’aurait pas été amused de voir dans sa presse quotidienne des photos de Carla en porte-jarretelles.
Jamilthe other reason drilling willy nilly is a bad idea, is that the oil we have in the groud is a rapidly appreciating asset, one that we may need down the road. sucking the tanks dry now is a very short sighted move that will come back to bite us later.
Idée additionnelle? Et si on les accrochaient dans le sapin le jour de Noël???comme ça on mange même le sapin! Je suis sure que les enfants vont adorer le concept!
De voorgestelde transparantie vereist zowel van werkgevers, intermediairs als vacaturesites enige inspanning. Als alle partijen tenminste de waarde van het adequaat informeren van de belangrijkste doelgroep als relevant beschouwen. Wat helaas nog altijd geen praktijk blijkt te zijn. Merkwaardig maar waar.
Seriously. >__> I get the idea behind not counting situations where the PC’s gender is player-determined (though I thought having kids in Skyrim tell my female PC that they wanted to grow up to be warriors like her was pretty neat), but Arkham City’s a perfect example of a case where passing the Bechdel test doesn’t indicate that the material isn’t full of gender-fail.
Sorry to hijack, especially so quickly, but does anyone know of a website were I could find Scottish election results going as far back at the 60s? Thanks!
sa bading. natawa me sa linya mong yan!gasgasero din me ng bulsa.ay magaling din pala me mag lol lol lolnatawa me much sa gawa mo pre
we are completely disorganised, and the biggest rally or march we have done so far had 30 people max, I doubt there is one chance over a million that we could organize something like you say.
Olá, tenho uma dúvida… já notei que tenho ejaculação precoce… e eu também tenho fimose, a fimose pode ser uma causadora da fimose? já que a sensibilidade local é maior?? se sim… então devo procurar um médico?Muito obrigado!
Jim, I personally love the story. Just out of curiosity what did the school and your wife say about it? Did he really turn it in? Doesen’t sound like a elementy kid to me.
Olsen was one of my favourite places in BA. I’ve been going there since the mid 2000′s. And agree that the food used to be better. We met up with some friends there a couple of weeks ago – after years of Olsen “abstinence”- and I found the food a tiny bit disappointing. Service was good, though. Not great, just good enough.
Stunning!! You have the stairs, and runner, I would love to see gracing my home one of these days!! Your home is just gorgeous and this adds to all the loveliness!!!
Ik heb zo’n eentje van P2, een groene die roodheid tegengaat maar geeft ook een glow. Wel fijn opzich, die van Essence lijkt me ook wel wat!
While it is true that CLABSIs (and other nosocomial infections) will never reach 0%, the infection rate can be reduced substantially. There are a number of studies that show CVC infection rates can be lowered through implementation of process measures (such as compliance with the IHI bundle) and checklists. In our own hospital we have reduced our CLABSI rate by 400% over 4 years through an intensive intervention including retraining and credentialing all providers in US-guided CVC placement, educating nursing staff in line care, and a QI process with checklists and tracking of all infections.
Observador disse:Este vulcão não é preocupação. Trata-se de um “anãozinho”.Se perguntar a um islandês, o temor deles tem outro nome: Katla.É considerado o vulcão mais violento da Islândia e um dos piores do mundo.Se este gigante acordar, os europeus terão outras preocupações além da aviação.
I just want to clear one point if i am correct. The issue of customers comparing your brand with stylo and ECS might be the communication failure at your brand level. Why customers did not compared your brand with international brands ? like Charles & Keith, PrettyFit.