Voici le nouveau patron de la Gendarmerie

Les noms des nouveaux patrons de la gendarmerie et de la police étaient attendus. Pour le premier  poste, c’est réglé : Macky Sall a choisi le général Cheikh Sène comme Haut commandant de la gendarmerie, en remplacement du général Meïssa Niang, qui va à la retraite.

Pour le poste de Directeur général de la police nationale (Dgpn), le suspense continue. Libération croit savoir que  le chef de l’État a déjà fait son choix pour la succession d’Omar Mal, qui va lui aussi à la retraite. «La décision sera actée dans les prochains jours», selon le journal.

850 Commentaires

  1. Dear Tom MH (at 2011/12/07 at 2:07)Thanks very much for your comment. In my haste yesterday I didn’t include one element of the Financial Account – which relates to Financial Derivatives outflows (-$A17,798 million) which includes the foreign borrowing by our financial institutions (banks etc).The arithmetic is now consistent. I have updated the Table accordingly to reflect this. Sorry for confusing you.best wishesbill

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  5. Wow, your lunchtime epiphany is eerily familiar. I am so tuned into the people around me I catch myself taking on their inflection and mannerisms. And giving in, oh…the giving in……I am only a dabbler in Buddhism but have thoroughly enjoyed some of Pema Chodron’s teachings. “Getting Unstuck” might appeal to you- it’s on iTunes. She’s delightful.Lucy Cooper posted

  6. ad JP : smí vás zadržet, protože platí : 1) co není zakázáno, to je povoleno.2) zadržení neplatícího není trestný čin, chybí mi nebezpečnost činu pro společnost3) není to ani přestupek (nejen dle NSS)4) náhrada škody v civilu asi také neprojde. Když si nezaplatil, pak neseš na škodě (což bude asi vymyšlený ušlý zisk zloděje, že nemohl krást jinde:-) spoluvinu, resp. celou vinu.Martin Krása

  7. Ay desmadrosa esto del silencio es como todo, no sabes que existía hasta que lo has perdido al igual que lo de dormir del tirón, pufff cuando será la próxima vez que pueda… Me ha encantado lo de bebesaurio, todavía chewy no ha llegado pero viendo tus experiencias la cosa se pone interesante!! Tendré cuidado del silencio.Besos

  8. And most of all (if I’m interviewing at your company) I would know either to bring extra jelly doughnuts for everyone, or at the very least not to take the last one away from your side of the basket when you’ve been such a good cop (right? right? Do I get the job now? How about now (imagine me in heroic profile with nary a drop of jelly doughnut goo left on my lips)?

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  10. Andreea, nu e nevoie sa-i spui de la inceput ca il placi… incearca mai intai sa te apropii de el… oarecum erotic… prin gesturi, prin ceea ce spui… incearca sa creezi o punte de comunicare intre voi, dar o comunicare mai directa, mai intima si mai sincera… nu una superficiala cum e intre simpli amici…si vezi cum reactioneaza… abia apoi gandeste-te daca e cazul sa-i spui ce simti pentru el…

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