Voici le nouveau patron de la Gendarmerie

Les noms des nouveaux patrons de la gendarmerie et de la police étaient attendus. Pour le premier  poste, c’est réglé : Macky Sall a choisi le général Cheikh Sène comme Haut commandant de la gendarmerie, en remplacement du général Meïssa Niang, qui va à la retraite.

Pour le poste de Directeur général de la police nationale (Dgpn), le suspense continue. Libération croit savoir que  le chef de l’État a déjà fait son choix pour la succession d’Omar Mal, qui va lui aussi à la retraite. «La décision sera actée dans les prochains jours», selon le journal.

850 Commentaires

  1. We only saw it on 2-D tonight, but I’m still blown away. Yeah, it’s a little heavy-handed in its human-bashing but, man, is it beautiful and wondrous and imaginative in a thousand other ways. We’ve witnessed something really amazing here. I can’t wait to see it in 3-D. I know this will set off all kinds of screams and insults but (for me) it’s the best film I’ve seen this year.

  2. May 3, 2011 at 5:40 amMark,I think you’ve already been an integral part of this journey and I think you’re going to be an even bigger part of it going forward. We’re definitely into what’s familiar, but like you said there’s a point when it’s no longer a viable option. I reached that point sometime in the last year. I guess that’s why you could say it’s been kind of an interesting year so far. I think this is just the beginning of many more crazy things. Reply

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  5. Es triste y doloroso que nuestros queridos “PUMAS”tengan que ve por tv la “Liguilla” y todo se debe a laspésimas desiciones tomadas por Alberto García Aspe;el haber traido a dos técnicos NO hechos en C.U.y el dejar en la banca a los refuerzos durante varioslapsos del Torneo vienieron a cobrar una factura muy caraal equipo auriazul.Ahorita es muy buen tiempo de reflexión y los jugadoresque se lleguen a quedar deberán de sudar el extra la camisetadesde los entrenamientos y no se diga en los juegos…¡ Goooya Universidad !¡ Venga Pumas !

  6. Hallo Don Kong,leider gibt es solche Menschen überall, nicht nur deutsche. Aber die Frechheit und respektlosigkeit mancher Leute ist erschreckend.Komme am 15.11 nach PP und auch wieder einige Tage nach SHV. Schreib doch mehr über die Gastroszene. Was macht Roman z. Zt.?Vielleicht sieht man sich mal.RainerDiesen Kommentar finde ich gut oder finde ich nicht gut: 0  0

  7. Oh, and let me clarify. I already give back to Poly in the form of experience and labor. I would never give 1000 bucks just to some idiot that called me. When I do, and I will, give back to Poly financially, it will either be directly to the Aero department, directly to an Aero professor or their lab expense account, or by purchasing and donating equipment they need. My money will not be squandered by the buttmongers in administration. Maybe that will help clarify my position.

  8. Loreen – A thoughtful and necessary post. I'm glad to see authors/artists thinking about this! Leanne, I do suspect that soon, publishers WILL retrofit picture book designs to be compatible with tablets. We already are used to organizing a book according to the constraints of a picture book (i.e. keep important stuff out of the gutter, etc.), so this is a logical extension. Content, prose, and art are the holy trinity; form, for me, anyway, is less so, so I don't feel it will be compromising (or blaspheming) to design a print book with dimensions that will transfer well to digital.


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