Voici le nouveau patron de la Gendarmerie

Les noms des nouveaux patrons de la gendarmerie et de la police étaient attendus. Pour le premier  poste, c’est réglé : Macky Sall a choisi le général Cheikh Sène comme Haut commandant de la gendarmerie, en remplacement du général Meïssa Niang, qui va à la retraite.

Pour le poste de Directeur général de la police nationale (Dgpn), le suspense continue. Libération croit savoir que  le chef de l’État a déjà fait son choix pour la succession d’Omar Mal, qui va lui aussi à la retraite. «La décision sera actée dans les prochains jours», selon le journal.

850 Commentaires

  1. Das ist so cool, ich habe hier seit dem Sommer ein riesiges Paddel und 3 kleine zu stehen, die ich auch so schmutzig weiß bemalen will. Unser Schlafzimmer istatit eingetrichtet, da passen die gut rein. Eines davon will ich als kleine Kleiderstange mit Seilen an der Wand befestigen. Viele Grüße!

  2. that sick or injured patients must rely on physicians in ways fundamentally different from the price-driven relation between buyers and sellers in an ordinary market.The Health IT parallel is my contention that business computing and clinical computing are two very distinct subspecialties of computing, due to the special rights involved in the latter.– SS

  3. Yeah, I hear ya. At first it was all – who cares that we spilled red paint on the carpet? It’s our carpet. We don’t have to worry about some landlord withholding a deposit because of it. Yay! Then we discovered the wet rot and the broken guttering and the woodworm and that’s all a whole lot less fun. Suddenly we’re missing the days of complaining about landlords taking weeks to get round to fixing stuff. Those were the days… Still, decorating after the builders leave should be fun!

  4. Hey Cora, what do you think about the Kat Von D concealer? have you tried it? Have you heard of the timebalm concealer? I was thinking of buying one of these two and wanted your opinion on them if you have one. I asked in the video, but for some reason it never showed up in the comments section. Thanks.

  5. read what I posted to that annon person. And on his/her behalf I apologize for his/her showing of ignorance on Christianity. Thank you.And…Two parents of the same party politics, huh? No wonder your a dem 🙂 (just jokes)Peace.~agape2010~

  6. Not experimenting, per se, but one of my favorites for when you’ve tried and tried and are just TIRED?“Ah, but a man can sleep any time, but a laugh restores the soul.” –Anne McCaffreyBecause, sometimes, nothing is so rejuvenating in the face of long odds as a good, hearty, belly laugh!–Debs last blog post..

  7. Me está gustando cómo va quedando la idea, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que es la primera propuesta. Seguro que en entregas sucesivas se irá apuntando más gente, pero lo que hay hasta ahora tiene muy buena pinta. Si es que no hay nada como pensar entre varios…

  8. Te rog da-mi si mie articolul sau linkul unde este descrisa aceasta fapta in cod penal.Unde se face plangerea?Hai ca vreau sa vad cat de eficienta e Politia? ca eu si altii am facut reclamatii de luni de zile si se fac ca cerceteaza.Vreau sa ma duc cu acest art din Codul Penal sa le bag pe nas!

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