Voici le nouveau patron de la Gendarmerie

Les noms des nouveaux patrons de la gendarmerie et de la police étaient attendus. Pour le premier  poste, c’est réglé : Macky Sall a choisi le général Cheikh Sène comme Haut commandant de la gendarmerie, en remplacement du général Meïssa Niang, qui va à la retraite.

Pour le poste de Directeur général de la police nationale (Dgpn), le suspense continue. Libération croit savoir que  le chef de l’État a déjà fait son choix pour la succession d’Omar Mal, qui va lui aussi à la retraite. «La décision sera actée dans les prochains jours», selon le journal.

850 Commentaires

  1. I think you found just the right words…sounds like such a wonderful time. I can totally relate…I am missing having that kind of time w/ girlfriends…it seems lately it takes too much effort to get just three of us together for coffee. I need my girlfriends so much…hopefully something will change soon. Thanks for sharing your wonderful weekend and your wonderful friends.

  2. Seems that creating a video site map would be helpful, but I'm working with a site that I just noticed has a page and there's none of that going on. We DO however have our site in Webmaster Tools and have uploaded our XML sitemap. Did these efforts make any difference in the creation of this page for my client?

  3. I did post yesterday–and it shoewd on the page for me…who knows what happened!You and Leonard have been so great at “bringing up the children” with wonderful goals (about looking out for others). It’s amazing what they remember!Keep it up…you could win “Mom & Dad” of the Year.

  4. rtyioo قال:لا طبعا ماراح يغريني الايفون 5 ولا راح افكر اني اشتريه شركه قبلت بان رسولاُ يسب والله ما اشتري من اجهزتهم

  5. Lamictal didn’t work, which I found ironic, because, a) he didn’t prescribe it for bipolar disorder, and b) it neither worked for my anxiety nor my bipolar. I’m also thinking he probably didn’t prescribe enough of a dose for me. I don’t know. The point is, he was a jerk who was dismissive of my concerns, so I dismissed his ass after 2 sessions.

  6. I need a stud finder. I went to hang a curtain rod when I first moved in and… it just… came out of the drywall… ON THE SIDE OF THE WINDOW how can there not be a stud there? I know nothing of construction but I feel like… there should be wood. Alongside the window.Every time you post a new project I look around my house glumly and turns the lights off.

  7. Ah je viens d’aller voir ces 2 sites, très intéressant, surtout l’hébreu biblique.Pour apprendre, mémoriser l’hébreu ça je n’essaie même pas, je vais lire avec beaucoup d’intérêt ça oui!!!!Enfin doucement.Par contre pour y accéder je suis toujours obligée de passer par ces liens????

  8. Alicee, inca nu am fost in excursii aparute la oferte last minute, pentru ca este foarte greu cu serviciile noastre. Nu ne putem lua liber de pe azi pe maine, insa daca as putea, as merge. Nu vad de ce nu. In definitiv conditiile sunt aceleasi, doar ca la un pret mult mai mic pentru ca hotelurile respective nu si-au completat numarul de camere necesar.

  9. August 8, 2009Yay, Monsie post 🙂 I’ve been wondering when you’d post! I’m glad to see you’ve pulled through all these hardships. You’re like my bestest friend ever and I know God will always give you the strength and courage to always survive the worst 🙂 (And because your my friend, He better! lol) Anyway, I hope you have fun at your camp in Utah 🙂 Love ya!

  10. Blah blah blah. n_s, I have a family member who graduated from Swarthmore with top honors and she majored in Math.Individual stories do not change systemic, institutional and structural issues. That is the weakest argument there is. And by the way, do all you know that Malcolm X was a BISEXUAL? I bet the majority of ignorant asses on here didn't know that piece of information about their purported martyr.

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