Des génocidaires rwandais sont détenus à Dakar. Selon des informations du journal Africa Intelligences, quatre Rwandais condamnés par le Tribunal pénal pour le Rwanda (Tpir) d’Arusha, en Tanzanie, pour leur implication dans le génocide de 1994 ont été transférés le 6 décembre au Sénégal pour y purger leur peine.
Ils ont voyagé par vol commercial, accompagnés de deux officiers onusiens et de policiers sénégalais. À leur arrivée, ils ont aussitôt été admis à la prison de Sébikotane, fraîchement construite par l’Onu pour 500 000 dollars (400 millions F CFA).Treize autres condamnés, qui ne souhaitent pas purger leurs peines au Rwanda, attendent toujours en Tanzanie de trouver un point de chute. Le Ghana a accepté de les accueillir.
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We provide instructional and restore companies for householders.
Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.
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I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
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The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
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Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.
Crown Cleansing, Vista Pruning & Tree Removals.
If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
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We offer instructional and restore companies for householders.
The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.