Italie : Deux Sénégalais arrêtés pour trafic de drogue

Deux Sénégalais de 31 ans et 32 ans ont été arrêtés hier, mardi 24 juillet, en Italie pour trafic de drogue. Ils opéraient dans une pharmacie, d’après Les Échos, qui donne l’information.
Le journal renseigne que les dealers présumés, membres d’une organisation criminelle en Italie, ont été trahis par des caméras de surveillance placées par la police italienne aux alentours de l’officine. Ce, après dénonciation.

La même source précise que la police, qui a effectué une descente dans la pharmacie, a saisi 13 grammes de haschich, 8 grammes de marijuana, de la cocaïne et de l’argent.

852 Commentaires

  1. f42buen dia señores soy un padre de familia con 2 hijos vivo en un mini departamento alquilado y con lo que yo gano s/1,000 en mi trabajo no puedo construir un terreno por que los bancos no me prestan lo que nesecito para la construccion por mi bajo sueldo …recurro hacia ustedes y a sus buenos corazones por un prestamo de s/40,000 y pagarles la misma cantidad mensual que pago el alquiler del departamento que es s/250 y asi salir adelante con mis hijos dandole una buena educacion y alimentacion …espero me comprendan y acepten mi deseo …muchas bendiciones gracias

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  3. But then again, I suppose Mandela was among the ‘Third World extremist(s)’ which Sheridan identifies as people those dastardly far-left students sided with, who anyway all ‘supported the interests of the Soviet Union’. I imagine there’s some ageing Maoist out there really angry at this article, already preparing an angry letter denouncing Sheridan for not realising how ‘revisionist’ the Soviet Union had become by deviating from the line of the Great Patriotic Leader Stalin, as the Great Helmsman Chairman Mao outlined.

  4. Le immagini che hai scelto sono davvero molto belle. Ho notato che tendi a scegliere un certo tipo di stile e di tematiche che si mantengono più o meno costanti.E’ perchè sono il tipo di cose che piacciono a te oppure perchè hai deciso di promuovere con la tua label proprio le artiste che fanno illustrazioni e quadri come questi?

  5. 你好:基本上,不要上黑色的士便可以了!至於是否需要講價,真的要碰運氣了!全因今年(2012å¹´)某晚(已經過了12點)自遊行,搭的士到達目的地落車後!一名港人跟我們說,她剛才搭的士需要講價!….但我倆則未試過!……希望幫到你!Crystal

  6. Jestem nieÅ›miaÅ‚Ä… ateistkÄ…, zatem nie zabijam, nie kradnÄ™ i nie wierzÄ™. Nie mogÄ™ napisać „KradnÄ™, zabijam, spowiadam siÄ™” bo wpadnÄ… mi do chaÅ‚upy panowie w kominiarkach. Ponieważ jestem zwykÅ‚Ä… KowalskÄ… „spowiadanie siÄ™” nie wystarczy aby mnie uniewinnić. PozostajÄ™ wiÄ™c przy pierwszym zdaniu.

  7. Dobrze to skonfrontować z Marszem. Nie jestem pewna czy tak jak pan Wildstein mogÅ‚abym mieć pewność iż ‘w Marszu ominiÄ™to umyÅ›lnie pomnik PiÅ‚sudskiego’.Tego nie wiem i taka ocena jest moim zdaniem przedwczesna bo z caÅ‚Ä… pewnoÅ›ciÄ… (jak Pan na pewno też wie) znakomita wiÄ™kszość ludzi obecnych na Marszu od poczÄ…tku (ja nie dotrwaÅ‚am do koÅ„ca po próbie jego pacyfikacji przez policjÄ™ a mam jednak córki a nie chÅ‚opaków) poszÅ‚a tam oddać cześć wszystkim polskim patriotom i skandujÄ…c ‘ChwaÅ‚a bohaterom’.Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

  8. Katy,that is a lovely post.. my thoughts are with you… I never had that sort of grandmother, my parents are both black sheep so that makes me one too, they have all passed on except for my dad’s mother who by all accounts is evil incarnate. My husbands grandmother is lovely though she knits and does tatting, and makes the best cheese straws. It doesn’t hurt that my husband is favourite grandchild and I am now favourite grandchild’s other half. big hugs

  9. Dear ,You are hope for america. You will make dreams reality. You will restore the constitution. You will stop torture in Guantanamo Bay. You will save our troops. You will make our government trustworthy again. You will make this country a true democracy like our founding fathers wanted it to be. You will make a better future for us and our children. I ask that you do whatever it takes to become president. If you are not elected president than there is no hope for people like me and we will have to move to a better nation.

  10. Thanks for your review.I am a user of the RS800CX and one of the things I hate the most of the watch is the Red Button (Start/Lap button). This button usually gets stuck and it is frustrating because it does not respond when you press it. You have ot press it several times to make it work. Has Polar done anything about it in the new RCX5?Thanks.

  11. Esibo has made a very good point….akwaboa needs to take notes from GG….as much as he enjoys GG's clean copies as he just admitted for this album, he should give us albums instead of singles so we can all share in the fun.Osibisaba has also been inactive for a while….we miss his posts as well

  12. Adamie nie rozumiesz bo nie jesteÅ› kobietÄ… Czy to zachowanie jest logiczne – nie ale daje tej kobiecie psychiczny komfort. Każda kobieta chce siÄ™ podobać facetowi z którym lÄ…duje w łóżku Poza tym jeżeli zachowania nielogiczne dajÄ… szczęście to czemu nie

  13. AGW = is a pseudoscientific theory which holds human beings responsible for most of the slight warming trend seen since the Little Ice Age.AGW = Mass hysteriaAGW = Nazi Style Eugenics to reduce the World (carbon producing) population and install a Master Race.


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