Italie : Deux Sénégalais arrêtés pour trafic de drogue

Deux Sénégalais de 31 ans et 32 ans ont été arrêtés hier, mardi 24 juillet, en Italie pour trafic de drogue. Ils opéraient dans une pharmacie, d’après Les Échos, qui donne l’information.
Le journal renseigne que les dealers présumés, membres d’une organisation criminelle en Italie, ont été trahis par des caméras de surveillance placées par la police italienne aux alentours de l’officine. Ce, après dénonciation.

La même source précise que la police, qui a effectué une descente dans la pharmacie, a saisi 13 grammes de haschich, 8 grammes de marijuana, de la cocaïne et de l’argent.

852 Commentaires

  1. Il serait plus exact d’écrire, d’une manière générale : une mesure dont le temps se divise en deux moitiés égales est binaire ; une mesure dont le temps se divise en trois unités est ternaire. Non, olimalia, la mesure est organisée en une succession de temps, ainsi on peut insérer un temps ternaire au milieu d’une succession de temps binaires. Donc, il serait plus exact d’écrire, un temps ternaire est un temps divisible en trois parties égales, et un temps binaire est un temps divisible en deux parties égales.

  2. 小杉 / 手機型號:Samsung Galaxy NoteAndroid 系統版本:2.3.6ROM版本:台灣官方 KK1 版購買區域:台灣Root 是否成功:?還原出廠預設權限是否成功:?測試可用程式:無法使用程式名稱:其他:我執行「1」後,就停在请按任意键继续. . .— STARTING —-— WAITING FOR DEVICE* daemon not running. starting it now ** daemon started successfully *之後就不會動了,等了10幾分鐘,也不會重開機之後,手動重開機,執行「2」也是等了10幾分鐘,停在— STARTING —-— WAITING FOR DEVICE就不會動了,問題可能在哪?還有執行「1」和「2」大約時間是多久?我的Note是6月剛買,不到1個月~版主回應:請問您的版本確定是 2.3.6 ? 如果是的話請使用原廠傳輸線並接在電腦後面的 USB 孔測試看看!或是確認一下電腦上有沒有安裝 KIES PC 版

  3. “Good and bad” – “right and wrong”, could be looked at as being relative but to fully understand this, one much first understand that there is no “real” difference between hot and cold, tall and short, or light and dark. Where does light end and darkness start? At what point or degree does something cold begin to get hot? At what point should something short no longer be considered short and is now tall? Understanding this should lead one to the words “judgment and just”.Ta Ta for now….lol

  4. If her home mortgage rate was higher than her line of credit it makes sense. I do not have a home mortgage but I do have a line of credit on my home. Normally you can just make interest payments on a equity line if you want. My heloc is locked for 5 years with minimum payment being the monthly interest.Normally people do borrow on their home to pay off their home when they refinance.

  5. The dictionary definition of disdain: to think unworthy of notice or response; consider beneath oneself.This is how trenton views the electorate, unworthy of notice, well beneath their lofty positions.Their contempt for the rule of law and the people they “serve” should place THEM beneath contempt. It doesn’t to the people of NJ. Why?

  6. that is our culture contains many different kind of fetures including the aborigine, the provincial, the hakka, and so on. Therefore, I think our Taiwan’s culture is like the flourishing flowers which is very abundant and beautiful.

  7. to recognize that large corporations can often maximize short-term profits with actions that destroy long-term brand image and competitive position. By instilling a Don't Be Evil culture, the corporation establishes a baseline for decision making that can enhance the trust and image of the corporation that outweighs short-term gains from violating the Don't Be Evil principles.While many companies have ethical codes to govern their conduct, Google has tried to make "Don't Be Evil" a central pillar of their identity.Pays us all or pay none! Don't Be Evil.

  8. Hihi, nói thật nhé. Hay ra Hà Nôi nên em thấy người miền Bắc lạnh lùng và hÆ¡i …thô lá»— nhÆ° chị nói :p. Ở trong Nam cÅ©ng có, nhÆ°ng đỡ hÆ¡n.Hic, mà không biết đến bao giờ VN má»›i hết cảnh này nhỉ, đôi lúc thèm được sống trong má»™t môi trường mọi người văn minh lịch sá»± ít ra được nhÆ° người Thái thôi chẳng hạn   Ngôn

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