Italie : Deux Sénégalais arrêtés pour trafic de drogue

Deux Sénégalais de 31 ans et 32 ans ont été arrêtés hier, mardi 24 juillet, en Italie pour trafic de drogue. Ils opéraient dans une pharmacie, d’après Les Échos, qui donne l’information.
Le journal renseigne que les dealers présumés, membres d’une organisation criminelle en Italie, ont été trahis par des caméras de surveillance placées par la police italienne aux alentours de l’officine. Ce, après dénonciation.

La même source précise que la police, qui a effectué une descente dans la pharmacie, a saisi 13 grammes de haschich, 8 grammes de marijuana, de la cocaïne et de l’argent.

852 Commentaires

  1. MEETUPHow about morristown? Hennesey’s has recently been renovated and is adjacent to the train station for those train-types.I used to live a few houses down from Hennessys. Playing bass on their astro-turf teetering stage was always a challenge.The renovations really did seem to suck the life out of the place tho. Formica? Ugh. The place when from McSorelys to Bennigans.

  2. Eu Gotaria de Saber Sobre A Aposentadoria por comtribui coma previdência desde 1974,mais em 1999 eu dei entrada na minha apontaria,em 2003 eu optei pdv.tenho 35 anos de comtribuição,só que a minha aposentadoria está no tribunal de São Paulo.Aguardando julgamento. em julho completo 65 anos de idade,posso pedir aposentadoria por idade, sim ou não.Agradeço beestevãolopes.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I’m working on an apron with vintage linens incorporated for the Fliry Apron Swap. You can bet I’ll enter it into this contest.I made an Egg Money quilt top a few years ago from vintage replication fabrics. I love how the odd patterns and colors inspired by the feed sacks of the 30s and 40s come together so nicely in the egg money quilts.

  4. GREAT list! Dead Ringers is one of my favorite Cronenberg films. One film that ALWAYS gets under my skin that I havent seen mentioned yet is Picnic at Hanging Rock by Peter Weir. This movie broods with creepy atmosphere and the scene with the fat girl running the down the mountain always freaks me out. I never watch that movie alone in the dark or ill wake up insane.

  5. à°ªైà°¨ à°¨ా à°µ్à°¯ాà°–్యలో à°¨ాà°—à°¯్à°¯ à°—ాà°°ిà°•ి à°•ూà°¡ా పద్మశ్à°°ీ ఇవ్వలేదని à°°ాà°¶ాà°• ఆయనకు పద్మశ్à°°ీ ఇచ్à°šాà°°à°¨ి à°—ుà°°్à°¤ొà°š్à°šింà°¦ి.ఎవరైà°¨ా సరిà°¦ిà°¦్à°¦ుà°¤ాà°°ేà°®ో à°…à°¨ి 2 à°°ోà°œుà°²ు à°šూà°¶ాà°¨ు. ఎవరూ సరిà°¦ిà°¦్దలేà°¦ు. à°¨ాà°—à°¯్యగాà°°ిà°•ి పద్మశ్à°°ీ à°°ాà°²ేదనే à°…à°¨ుà°•ుంà°Ÿుà°¨్à°¨ాà°°à°¨్నమాà°Ÿ! :-)))

  6. Är han sÃ¥ jäkla begÃ¥vad, den där Schlingan egentligen..? “Det Enda Partiet” känns j*kligt… gammalt och märkligt bekant. Har inte det prövats förut runt om i världen, med ganska dÃ¥liga resultat? Jag fÃ¥r inga köpsignaler alls. Mot framtiden – med det Enda Framtid(s)partiet. Det är bra, däremot.Vad tar Schlingan i timman? 3.000:-? Jag kan ta över för 2.400:-. Plus omkostnader och moms.

  7. You paint a very scary picture, all the more because of the ease of possibility. My problem was the complete dependence of the military, finance, utilities, etc. on computers and what if the Enemy figured out a huge EMI. Now I have visions of a real Terminator. What in the world are we doing?

  8. Well, this is what happens when we bank (pun intended) on a fiat currency, fractionalized to a fair-thee-well, then print to pay off the "drunken gambling excesses" of people who most likely no longer live in this "Country".

  9. Im only trying to help all of you out there… Every single one of these episodes are avaliable for you all to watch free on a site known as SHANNOSPOT(.)COM. You can watch all these shows? such as Family Guy, Boondocks,Glee,Futurama Bleach Yuyu Hakasho, NAruto, HOTD and and much more… Even FREE movies! Spread the word and may God Bless!!


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