Italie : Deux Sénégalais arrêtés pour trafic de drogue

Deux Sénégalais de 31 ans et 32 ans ont été arrêtés hier, mardi 24 juillet, en Italie pour trafic de drogue. Ils opéraient dans une pharmacie, d’après Les Échos, qui donne l’information.
Le journal renseigne que les dealers présumés, membres d’une organisation criminelle en Italie, ont été trahis par des caméras de surveillance placées par la police italienne aux alentours de l’officine. Ce, après dénonciation.

La même source précise que la police, qui a effectué une descente dans la pharmacie, a saisi 13 grammes de haschich, 8 grammes de marijuana, de la cocaïne et de l’argent.

852 Commentaires

  1. dasassho, General George Washington disagreed with you, using his weapons quite well against any who would implement your kind of ideology in America.I'm not Jewish, and yet statements like yours absolutely inspire me to strive for accuracy at the shooting range.Little Labels pasted on the targets help too.Yes, it's free access to Affordable Therapy, and all Thanks To the founding fathers.

  2. Heips! Meillä on samainen kirjoituspöytä, mutta alkuperäisen lakattuna koivuisena. En antaisi pois. 🙂 Mummillani on sama hyväkuntoisena, valkomaalattuna. Kaunis sellaisenakin. Teidän pöytään on vissiin nupit lisäilty? Meillä ei ole nuppeja, vaan toimii avaimilla. Kivan siro pöytä mielestäni ja sopii hyvin pikkukoululaisen käyttöön. 🙂

  3. The only strange thing here is that I’ve always thought it was women who had broader faces (a juvenile trait). How can it not be so?? Surely, you have to admit that at least that’s the impression that you get when you look at women with typical feminine hairstyles.Unless I’m misunderstanding the term broad-faced. Is it talking about looking face-on, or maybe sideways? If it’s sideways, then sure, men with bigger jaws look more aggressive and I can see how they might act more aggressive too just based on their own looks.

  4. Será que o Nelsinho está se queimando? Só se for para nós que vemos pela TV. A F-1 já sabia que tinha tido armação. O Massa não tinha dúvida e foi pessoalmente reclamar com o Briatore.O que mudou é que agora está tudo claro na midia e não só no circo.Acho que ano que vem as chances de Nelsinho estão todas na Williams. Outra: Max Mosley é o sponsor de toda bagunça…..Briatore estava se achando "grande" demais….

  5. Arrow, "challenging" me in the comments to a post that discusses how I have neither power nor Internet makes you an idiot or a coward. And if you had been reading my site long enough you would have already seen my pieces on immigration. If your goal is really to challenge me then do so at a time when I am able to participate. Otherwise all you display is a coward's instinct for a knife in the back.

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