Italie : Deux Sénégalais arrêtés pour trafic de drogue

Deux Sénégalais de 31 ans et 32 ans ont été arrêtés hier, mardi 24 juillet, en Italie pour trafic de drogue. Ils opéraient dans une pharmacie, d’après Les Échos, qui donne l’information.
Le journal renseigne que les dealers présumés, membres d’une organisation criminelle en Italie, ont été trahis par des caméras de surveillance placées par la police italienne aux alentours de l’officine. Ce, après dénonciation.

La même source précise que la police, qui a effectué une descente dans la pharmacie, a saisi 13 grammes de haschich, 8 grammes de marijuana, de la cocaïne et de l’argent.

852 Commentaires

  1. Tr/mnCouple maximal120Nm @ 6450 Tr/mn et non pas 12Nm. Eventuellement au alentour de12 Kgm là oui.Sinon intéressant cet essai, mais c’est pas celui qui m’intéresse en réalité.Je serais curieux de faire un essai de cette machine et de me faire un avis afin de promener ma petite femme. Tiens ça me donne à penser un nouveau concept pour le blog, l’avis de David l’avis de JC.A moi les petites anglaises! en même temps une Italienne, humm je m’égare là je m’égare…

  2. Clear out places that have been wiped out. Often, it is safe around birds, lizards and toads but should be kept away from pets and children Sprinkle dry cream of wheat where ants can ingest it. Attic insulation makes a very cozy nest for many gardeners, the garden pests that would bring destruction to the garden.

  3. Aw, thanks DD! And I’m glad you took my side on the whole Ponzi scheme thing. That probably sounds weird. Yes, I definitely think the trainer will help me stay accountable. She told me that if I wasn’t feeling well one day or something came up last minute, I shouldn’t feel bad canceling. I was like, “don’t tell me that!!”

  4. Great photos and story of an amazing landscape and the very real dangers. I remember Erica she gave me a lift from Tarras to Mt Cook turnoff one day. She had a cabbage tree tied to the roof of the car for her house in Tekapo. She told me about her mountaineering job. When I asked if she was going mountain climbing she replied she might go for a walk along the tops! as if it was something anyone might do on a sunny afternoon.

  5. These paintings are powerful and stirring, Doug. The old man with the flag in the top picture is haunting. The sun through the smoke in "The Lord's Work" is stunning. For some reason, "Rescue" calls to mind a crucifixion.These are quick, first impressions only. I'd seen some of the paintings on Facebook, but grouped together the art is even more impressive.

  6. plume (68)-Our economy has two main features:1. It is not primed to produce any items or services of real value in quantity enough to heal itself.2. It is not in a position to launch, finance and sustain even the most harebrained of bubble schemes.3. Therefore, it must collapse. The really interesting times will begin when the economy that replaces it begins to emerge.My fear is that what replaces what we have now is a fascistic uber-welfare state.

  7. Norm – Dollar for dollar, a fresh coat of paint is the best improvement you can make on a house–it that and cutting the lawn, cleaning it up a bit, etc are the most you have to do, it could be a gold mine. You can know that dozens of prospects looked at it and decided it was too much work and the sellers are on the edge of desperation.Someone elses loss was your gain.

  8. Blanca Hdz. Díaz14/11/2012Excelente y clara información, mi hija de cinco años está pasando por esta situación y por ello siento la necesidad de informarme sobre el tema. A mi hija si le recetaron prednisona 50 mg. N0 se hasta que punto pueda ser contraproducente o qué efectos secundarios conlleve.

  9. I have seen lots of anti-global warming videos (either by or supporting leading authorities in this area (even people high up in greenpeace dont support human-caused global warming)) and if you go back millions of years we are actually a lot colder than the earth has been, the temperature tends to go Warm, then Ice Age, than warm then ice age (note these changes happen over many years). Al Gore is just trying to get votes by pretending to care.

  10. Thanks for this, Rebekah. Such a good reminder that women are ornery critters who don’t like to do things by the (text) book. I had an apprentice at one time who was a very experienced and smart labour/delivery nurse. All I could teach her was that out of hospital birth doesn’t go according to any graph and is not pathological when it’s unpredictable.

  11. TS-Shyaah… dude. are you serious? what’s with the begging?! what are you like 3? It’s obvious she’s hot as hell and i kick myself in the ass everyday for not meeting her while she was in the ATL – but c’mon have some fuckin dignity.PS – Domino – looking forward to seeing the Hardcore Stuff. I wish you would have replied to my request for the private video before you left ATL.


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