Mobilisation : Macky Sall “tombe” à l’arène nationale…

Le chef de l’Etat s’est livré à son premier combat de la mobilisation, à l’arène nationale de lutte, qui s’est soldé par un échec. En effet, les officiels étaient plus nombreux que les militants.

Le chef de l’Etat Macky Sall a été le premier à entrer dans l’arène de lutte sénégalaise pour en découdre avec un adversaire de taille. Il s’agit du pari de la mobilisation. Un « combat » au relent politique du fait que les officiels étaient plus nombreux que les militants ou sympathisants. A l’évidence, ces derniers auraient pu réussir une mobilisation exceptionnelle en présence du Président Chinois. Mais hélas, c’est à tout le contraire.

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  2. I have to apologize for being here. I did not use the required PHOTO prompt, and I did not even write my own poem…I just saw a couple things which seemed to fit the “Pattern, Picture, and Poem” heading, and “went for it”…Will not happen again…I’ll stick to “OPEN NIGHTS WEDNESDAY”, where I can be buried among a couple hundred contributors.But…for now…here we be!PEACE to all the Peeps!

  3. Okés, hogy egy “lejárt” klisével operáltam, de szerintem akkor is szükség volt rá, úgyhogy ha kivesszük, akkor az egész tök mást jelentene. Spoilerkedjek? Magyarázzam a poént? Nem hiszem, hogy szükség lenne rá. Mondom, a novella védje meg magát. Ha érdemes rá. A Te szemedben nem volt az, egyéni interpretáció 🙂 Emiatt megharagudni pedig végképp nem fogok. Örülök, hogy foglalkoztál vele.

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  5. So good to hear good news for Abby! I have some encouragement for you: my nephew was diagnosed with ALL in September 2006 at age 4. After 61 months, 3 relapses, and 2 bone marrow transplants, he was declared CANCER-FREE last week! 🙂 We are praising God here…and pray that Nick's good news is encouraging for others on the road.

  6. Why the thumbs down, fellow pusophiles? Am i only one who concerned she could end up w/ god knows what disease in a country, that if you have visited there in last year, Red Cross won’t take your blood donation. What she did was reckless. Was the Lotte Moon comment to blame. She’s a hero of mine, aside from the proselytizing. Besides what can teens do there except get in the way and hog bandages?

  7. Thanks for the very interesting and thoughtful comments on this piece.James K: The ‘marked register’ will indeed be published, showing which individual electors voted, and from that it would be possible to do some (probably fairly crude) demographic analysis based on surnames, sex, and ‘qualifiers’ (people who have turned 18 recently). Councils usually also produce a breakdown of turnout by polling district (units of 3,000 or so) to which I am looking forward!

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  9. the rain is such a dampen to a trip not to mention bad eating experience on the first day! like you, i cannot take coconut oil smell in food .. yucks. strange that i have not read this in any other blog … but good tip! will try and avoid Phillipines in the future … does not look too promising. but how come you did not try spanish food there? i suppose it should be pretty alright since they were once colonise by them. besides, spanish food is really, really yummy .. if they do it like how they do in spain 🙂

  10. I wake up on a Saturday morning, and the first thing I see is donuts? Isn’t that the perfect Saturday/Sunday morning meal? And now (since we don’t have any swanky donut shops out here, nor do I have a donut maker) I need to take a trip over to Timmy Horton’s and pick up a 6-pack for both the wife and I…mmmm donuts…

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