Mobilisation : Macky Sall “tombe” à l’arène nationale…

Le chef de l’Etat s’est livré à son premier combat de la mobilisation, à l’arène nationale de lutte, qui s’est soldé par un échec. En effet, les officiels étaient plus nombreux que les militants.

Le chef de l’Etat Macky Sall a été le premier à entrer dans l’arène de lutte sénégalaise pour en découdre avec un adversaire de taille. Il s’agit du pari de la mobilisation. Un « combat » au relent politique du fait que les officiels étaient plus nombreux que les militants ou sympathisants. A l’évidence, ces derniers auraient pu réussir une mobilisation exceptionnelle en présence du Président Chinois. Mais hélas, c’est à tout le contraire.

937 Commentaires

  1. There definitely is a connection between form and color, there are connections of self similarity throughout the universe, Kandinsky was putting effort in trying to understand the way we are effected by color and form through art. Color has psychological and physiognomic effects on the mind and body. Form also affects what we feel, hence graphic design. Personally, I am impressed with his observations. What insights do you non believers have into color and form.

  2. Lovely photos. I always wonder what it would be like with that kind of cold in the beach. Beaches here in the Philippines are just too darn hot. Loving the sandwiches. I'm happy for you and Brent. I will miss having dates with my boyfriend. :[ Mine died last June 13th. Stay in love!And, yeah! Hurray for Spain!

  3. alfaatihah buat arwah atuk mamaAqil. Kehilangan orang tersayang sememangnya meruntun perasaan, namun ia dari suatu sudut jadi iktibar buat kita, bila2 masa sahaja malaikat maut datang menjemput kita untuk pulang bertemu yang Esa. Bukanlah bila jadi persoalannya, namun bagaimanakah kita ketika masa itu tiba, bersedia atau tidak, amal soleh kita bagaimana? dosa kita bagaimana? aduhhh…gerunnya memikirkan saat itu..:-(

  4. WOW…my church runs a 6 days a week adult day care program…and bringing in a special treat now and then is always appreciated….so I got some plastic punch glasses at “one of my favorite” stores….three people are gluten intolerant…so I crushed some “pongaroons” for the base at the bottom of the glass…..they weren’t eaten…..they were “gobbled!”…….”pongaroons?”….keep in contact with the blog…they might show up some day…… October 7, 2012

  5. francois dit :Hello Stephane, Juste comme cela l’impression que fumer n’est pas trop habituelle pour la charmante personne. pour le reste j’adore le cadrage et l’effet vintage. bon c’est parce que M’sieur Gérard il l’a dit que je vois le mini-filet blanc sinon pas sur que je l’aurais vu. J’aime bcp .

  6. il serait temps de titrer : SARKOZY N’A PAS DE PROGRAMME CHIFFRE et ne dit pas comment il va financer ses promesses , de même Copé ne peut dire combien elles coutent ! c’est consternant quand LE MONDE nous a bassinné sur le programme de Hollande en signalant la moindre nuance, le moindre « recul » etc…Elysée, coté écuries ?

  7. There are no weird stories surrounding it, but I too have a well loved and much stained/ripped blankie. It has traveled with me on every move, and has also nearly been lost or thrown away at every turn. Some things are just worth keeping. Your story is so wonderful! And your baby is so lucky! Love everywhere!

  8. that Duffers was an ignorant pompous tosser therefore his distaste for buses and bus lanes was flawed. My inference went in the opposite direction which, while arguable, possibly wrong and almost certainly the abusive ravings of a potty-mouthed street corner socialist, is not an ad hominem;(ii) Mr Van Kleefe & Mr Duffus: the name is McNee.

  9. Thanks ‘justajoe’, every penny helps towards keeping the lights on, and I hope that the suggestions do help some folks here and there. I don’t have yet, but with your suggestion I may look into it. is a good one too, as you mentioned. Thanks for the daily read…VN:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)

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