Moundiaye Cissé invité de TLV

853 Commentaires

  1. قال:Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/meflyn/public_html/wp-content/plugins/world-flags/includes/functions.php on line 53 and defined in /home/meflyn/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990 أريد منكم ارسالي العروض الوطنيه علي أميلي لان أنا من عشاق السفر

  2. Yes! This is one of the best articulations of my own approach I’ve ever read. =) Like you, I fell into it intuitively and have always been somewhat confused by people asking me for tips on discipline because I’d never done anything with my child that I would call “discipline.” Thank you.Teacher Tom recently posted..

  3. Ray,« C’est le comportement des salariés de abattoir qui est monstrueux, inhumain. Vous vous confondez en circonvolutions qui ne veulent rien dire. »Ce n’est pas aussi simple. Vous voyez les choses de manière linéaire: le méchant fait souffrir la pauv’ bête.En réalité la pression de l’actionnariat, de la rentabilité et derrière des consommateurs implique un travail qui rend les hommes à moitié fous. On ne peut passer sa journée à supprimer la vie tout en restant parfaitement sain d’esprit.

  4. Da gibt es im Grunde nichts hinzuzufügen …außer: Ich bin SEHR enttäuscht von Frau Aigner! Sie weiß WOHL NICHT, was sie uns Verbrauchern HEUTE und IN ZU-KUNFT antut?!EINE von VIELEN Hiobsbotschaften in der letzten Zeit …Ich HOFFE nur, es gibt irgendwo im Dunkeln NOCH ein kleines Licht -zur ZUVERSICHT …

  5. Freedy, having a US baby does not guarantee a person to stay in the US. You can look up any immigration-related website. The parent has to stay undocumented at least till the anchor baby is 18.The point is that the statement “So she has her anchor baby in a few weeks and cannot be kicked out of the USA.” is not true. The immigration situation for the mother remains unchanged due to child birth (at least in the short term).S

  6. si stanno giocando la carta della disperazione, quella della svalutazione monetaria. Dollaro incontenibile nella sua discesa, sta rompendo tutti gli argini. Tipico delle “repubbliche delle banane” come di solito vengono chiamate quelle nazioni che per sopperire ai propri disavanzi fisiologici non possono far altro che svalutare….. ne abbiamo qualche ricordo anche noi italiani……saluti Marco

  7. Verde CDV:"Pode ser que o próximo não tenha qualquer adjectivo, mas dúvido…"LOL!Ai não q não vai ter… E caso não entre logo a GANHAR, vão ser pcs, vão… E bonitos!Pedro S:"…não encontro naquela lista de possíveis sucessores quem me satisfaça."Não me digas! Pois, bem sei… E olha q não sou bruxo.

  8. This is somewhat off topic but I have a friend who is a secular Jew and I contend Anti-zionism is Anti-Semitism in disguise. She disagree's and states "you gotta remember that for much of the first half of the 20th century, there were deep divisions, among the Jews, about whether there should be a Jewish homeland or a Zionist state. Thus you got avery proud and prominent Jews who were extremely anti-Zionist."Is this true?

  9. Mein Gott, warum kann ich diese Suppe jetzt nicht gleich und sofort haben? Und ins Vietthao bin ich auch noch nicht gekommen bisher….und warum schleicht der Phomacher in Wien rum und nicht in Linz? Ãœbrigens, erinnert mich stark an "Tampopo" Japan. Film auf der Suche nach der perfekten Nudelsupppe 😉

  10. dette var ikke kjekk lesning….. har vondt av deg nÃ¥.skjønner frustrasjon. men husk ting kan no bare bli bedre….Ã¥ sa har du jo mamma der ( tenk hvor kjedelig det hadde vært hadde hun ikke vært der) og roy som virker som den perfekte pappa og kjæreste. klemmer litt pÃ¥ deg lene mor nÃ¥. ting blir bedre….

  11. Démentiel ton billet, j'ai encore passé un super moment, ton jean te fait des jambes de gazelles !Avec la Redoute, chez le suédois ou l'espagnol, on ne risque pas de rencontrer ce genre de vendeuses horripilantes, en plus, leurs tailles sont tellement aléatoires…

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