Radio kang kang du 26 juillet

867 Commentaires

  1. Desværre er det sÃ¥dan her hos mig at jeg er nÃ¥et der til, at jeg mÃ¥ smide nogle gamle bøger ud, hver gang jeg køber en ny – der skal simpelthen ikke være flere – hele stuens ene gavlvæg er bogreoler. Jeg ELSKER bøger og hÃ¥ber at synet er det sidste (sÃ¥dan ca. bortset fra det mest nødvendige) der svigter nÃ¥r jeg bliver rigtig gammel.

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  3. Oh my your poor poor fur baby does truly look miserable! My fur baby Sophie has come close to had ego had ego have one of those collars. She has a very bad habit of scratching her neck raw. It got so bad that we no longer put a collar on her. We found in most cases it has remedied the situation. Hope your baby feels better soon! Love your treasures!

  4. Viviendo en una residencia de Londres, me toco compartir habitacion con un chico Japones y tenia debajo de su cama una bolsa llena de esas patas, el susodicho las utilizaba a modo de chupachups, un poco como se puede hacer con los palos de regaliz en españa, que aunque no sea una receta, a mi me resulto curioso ver a una persona chupando pulpo seco durante el dia…

  5. When I was working at a coffee shop, at one point there was some confusion wherein carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide cartridges were mixed up, resulting in carbonated cream rather than whipped cream. It wasn’t as firm, and it was very odd to get that carbonated “bite” when tasting what looked pretty much like whipped cream…

  6. have youtube done this to get rid of users on alternative browsers?i cant even access my own page anymore. the comment &rate system is poor. i thought it was all an april fools joke but it looks like they're sticking with and sucking up to microsoft. youve just made a massive market opening for a vid site thats just like youre old one you dumbasses

  7. Nome PróprioPois è, atacam Israel e depois se escondem entre a população civil!Depois os jornalistas terroristas do Hamas só mandam para o exterior fotos de criancinhas mortas!Grandes herois para os esquerdopatas brasileiros!

  8. Ok you talk about China and the US because they’re the biggest emitters. But more than a third of global emissions come from countries like Australia. That is, countries that emit less than 2% of global emissions individually.If we say it’s ok if we do effectively nothing because we’re so small then we also say that it’s ok for those other countries to do nothing. And while every other countries emissions become a smaller slice of global emissions, that third gets bigger and bigger.

  9. Great stuff Tom. It does however make me sad to read posts like Jeannie’s, saying“I waded through the religious references (which I personally have no use for) to get to a lot of very good insights”Really Jeannie? What do you think came first, Tom’s observations or the book he pulled those references from? You’d be surprised that more “very good insights” could also be found within that book.Again, Tom, Kudos.

  10. Sounds like an amazing weekend at a couple of the best Newport mansions, Rosecliff (where the Great Gatsby and True Lies were filmed) and Marble House (summer cottage of William K. Vanderbilt).I wish I was going to be in town that weekend to attend!

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