Radio kang kang du 26 juillet

867 Commentaires

  1. I hear you. I hear you LOUD and CLEAR. I saw a picture of myself, taken by a professional photographer at a friend's recent wedding, and I was scared. My arms look like they could take over a town.And with this wedding coming up, something's gotta give…and it's the weight.YOU can do it.WE can do it.Less beer, more movement (and not the giggles).

  2. Adoro A saga. Li o fallen e o torment em 2 diAs cada um. Só fico triste pq a disney vai fazer o filme, e vai virar mais uma modinha à estilo “crepusculo”. Vão comparar mto as duas historias. Team Cam <3 kkkk *-*[]garotaquele Reply:April 25th, 2012 at 11:27 amAcho legal o filme ser da Disney sabe? Melhor do que um estúdio random qualquer…[]

  3. …I am hearing the Etta James song 'At Last' while reading this – VKMom, I am so very muchly chuffed to hear this news on this fine sunny Saturday – You made space in your life for this to happen, and that little voice that nudged you forwards is the one to listen to. Wow!You go girl, and rock that new hip when it comes! Mwah!

  4. Обычно те кто много пробуют , когда нибудь находят, а если нет….Может не стоит и напрягаться , живи себе тихо и будь счастлив,в своей зоне комфорта….

  5. lunazen dit :En effet, beaucoup d’espoirs avaient été placés dans ce sommet, et il s’est avéré décevant. Il l’est encore plus quand on prend en compte les émissions de CO2 dues aux déplacements des chefs d’état!. Je fais des efforts de mon côté mais les participants dans la course au profit doivent en faire aussi et ce n’est pas gagné!

  6. good morning!!!buen consejo, sobre todo lo de hacer la prueba para saber si envian a España y cuanto nos va a costar!!yo siempre lo cala preciosa y aunque es super turistico no hay mucha gente por lo que se puede estar tranquilamente sin balones o atento todo el rato a que no te roben (aunque siempre puede pasar).me encanto!!kisses


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