Tribune du 15 février 2018

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708 Commentaires

  1. I’m sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about making an interesting web-site as a student. May possibly start with publishing interesting facts such as”The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp (marijuana) paper.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as right here


  2. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  3. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “The brave man is he who overcomes not only his enemies but his pleasures”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  4. I like everything you post. You have done fantastic job

  5. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “It is wrong always, everywhere and for everyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  6. I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an instructive website for kids. May possibly commence with posting interesting facts like”A spider’s web is not a home, but rather a trap for its food. They are as individual as snowflakes, with no two ever being the same. Some tropical spiders have built webs over eighteen feet across.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here


  7. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “Happiness lies in virtuous activity, and perfect happiness lies in the best activity, which is contemplative”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  8. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  9. I’ve seen something very similar in some other thread. You will probably find some parts of that article helpful, not everything obviously, but I think it is worth looking into.

  10. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an enlightening website for college students. May probably begin with posting interesting information such as”Fish that live more than 800 meters below the ocean surface don’t have eyes.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here



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