Comment augmenter le lait maternel (Sen Wergu Yaram)

888 Commentaires

  1. Mai scriu un comentariu si incerc sa ma opresc, ca scriu numai eu pe pagina asta. Popic, cred ca te-am “pocnit” degeaba. Am impresia ca Titi a mutat pe pagina asta comentariul tau de azi-dimineata care era pe alta pagina. Deci aveai oaresce circumstante atenuante pentru necitirea comentariului meu initial. Ti-am zis io ca Titi ti-a pus gand rau

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH TRISH. that was a wonderful piece you have written about my textiles. I love working with the beautiful fabrics and love meeting such fantastic people as yourself who have a great passion for these beautiful early pieces. keep up the wonderful photos , thats something i could certainly improve upon … best wishes. Sallie

  3. Ewww he is so unclean. And he calls me a whore? My heart goes out to his wife can you imagine you wait your whole life to get married to a good Muslim family man …and she ended up with a dirty man that will give her an std!!!What pride Joseph will have in his father….

  4. Comunque questo dovrebbe essere un post dedicato all'Hidrobetatron ed ad Ugo Abundo, che fa uno spendido lavoro di ricerca, di insegnamento e di informazione.Quindi almeno qui non parliamo di Rossi e non assumiamo toni partigiani, please.Giustissimo dare invece l'annuncio della Brillouin, che mi fa pensare che comunque ormai una rivoluzione energetica sia a portata, se non di mano, almeno di vista.A proposito Kitegen si è offerta di rilevare l?Alcoa; Ammazza che ottimismo.

  5. An interesting discussion but you know what I think about my abilities…I am an amateur who continues to perfect her eye…I have not used these apps and do little editing through iPhoto…very low tech with a point and shoot…one day I would like a DSLR to learn more about it…I admire the art being created by some very talented photographers.

  6. A Formula 1 precisa de imperfeição, precisa ser "on the edge", e não essa Formula Autorama que o Bernie criou. O circuito parece bonito, apesar de travado. Mas sei lá, quem sabe não proporciona uma boa corrida ?Agora, deixa esse negócio de crepúsculo pra lá.. senão daqui a pouco vão falar da corrida do lua nova, argh! Distância disso, por favor.

  7. The utopic dream that NOT EVERYBODY CAN AFFORD. Big corporations MAKE SURE they FIRST get their INVESTMENT ASAP. They will eventually make THEIR $$, but WHY wait 5 yrs when THEY can get it in ONE plus FOUR years of….ahem, REVENUE? Please GIVE US A BREAK!!!

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