Hi Scott,I’ve just send my ex the NC (word for word). I’m ready to begin my evolution. I still haven’t been able to sign up for the forum yet. Can you advise what else I might be able to do so that I can log my progression?Thanks for your help. You’re the best.
Mr. Wheeler –I am well aware of the distinction between a republic and a democracy. That’s why I specified that this country was founded as a constitutional republic (which, as you correctlt stated, it is no longer).But most people conflate democracies and republics, and the exercise of separating them would have been beyond the scope of this post.Sometimes simplification is unavoidable.
I think owls are so cool, but honestly that would drive me nuts. My son’s alarm goes off every day at noon, while he’s at school. It scares the crap out of me. I’m not sure why I haven’t changed the alarm, but it’s all I can do to just shut the damn thing off.
Have a great break Eddie! Gosh knows you've earned it.What I'd really like to know is how you got four beautiful babes to spend the weekend hanging out and goofing off with you?
Precisely what I was looking for, thankyou for posting.
The effort to draw the NRA into this is typical socialist hyperbole, what chumps. Our stuff costs way more than the crap produced by the X-Coms – and how about the worker-paradise functionality of their “air defense systems” – the ones Israel penetrated so easily a few weeks back when they bombed Syria? Tehran should be shitting bricks if they can get their ass unclenched.
Mujeressssssssssssss que no les de verguenza!!!!!!! agarren un control, toquenlo, sóbenlo, aprienten botones hasta que se cansen, diganle al: novio, amigo con derecho, amante, agarre, pasatiempo, hermano, primo, papá, tio, abuelo, vecino, a mi, o hasta al perro de la casa; que les enseñen a jugar. No se van arrepentir; solo cojeran par de piques pero todos hemos pasado por ahÃÂ.
I tried this workout today and loved it! I am trying to mix up my strength training and I could still follow the plan that i wrote down to take with me, but I definitely felt my body working in a different way! Will definitely be repeating this wek.
Dave, you nailed this. I’ve never responded to anything you have ever written, on this blog or your You Tube channels, but I follow you everywhere and I thoroughly enjoy your positive energy and your humor. Still, I’m sorry that the womyn are hating on you for your comment and your (understandable, as a gay man) viewpoint. While I completely see their issue, they seem to make it a bit too fervently for my taste. Don’t be distracted by their negativity. Love on, bro.
Todella kiinnostavan oloinen kirja. Kun on itse kirjoittanut ja julkaissut vain tieteellistä tekstiä, mutta lukee valtavasti (ja mieluiten :)) kaunokirjallisuutta, olisi ilo lukea enemmän kirjailjan työstä. Kiitos tästä!Muuten, katsoin kirjailijablogilinkkejäsi, joista löysin paljon innostavaa. Harmillisesti Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläisen WordPressissä oleva blogi näyttää muuttuneen (?) salatuksi.
It mainly comes down to what you want to achieve when deciding which route to take. I was not looking to crreate a web app, so the Adobe route was preferrable for me. Other advantages to the Adobe side is a much larger pool of resources and tutorials to draw from, and a much simpler setup for a newbie. I have a (very) passing familiarity with Java, and the AS3 language shares some similarities with it, making it just a little bit easier to learn.
Hi Kaffein,I agree with u… quite a number of times, there is Increase and subsequent decrease which some pple will be thankful of.I do not noe about the NS duration but 1 tat i remember is the Tariff. Raised 21% and after which decrease by 24% (Can’t really remember) which effectively is only less than 3 ~ 9%Another is the ERP where during periods there will be reduced charges.Another is Road Tax where recently there were some discount.And another is GST which raised to 7% and we r given rebates.And finally CPF Cut which hasn’t been reinstated.
Simon, you’ve been in Cali too long. You hear “Portuguese Sandwich” and think manporn. I hear it (sitting at Billy Goat on Wells) and think pork and cheese on bread. You need to get home, Jefe.
Mancano davvero pochi giorni e l’impegno dei volontari è altissimo! Speriamo di riuscire a sensibilizzare la gente e soprattutto l’amministrazione comunale di fronte a una situazione di reale emergenza.
celebrations can be the loveliest highlight of wedding season. If you’re looking for ideas for bridal showers that are creative and around the DC-area, I’ve gathered a few ideas that I think you and, most
cyt. “Nie rozumiem jak staruszka może drwić z kuÅ›tykajÄ…cych staruszków” To nie drwina, to niemoc. Ona nie może oderwać siÄ™ od komputera, żeby sobie pokuÅ›tykać. 🙂 Zastanawiam siÄ™ nad jednÄ… rzeczÄ… i chyba to w koÅ„cu zrobiÄ™ – napiszÄ™ notkÄ™, że ci co tam komentujÄ… majÄ… u mnie bana. I żeby byÅ‚a caÅ‚kowita jasność: WSZYSCY! Pewnie da to niewiele, ale być może jakiÅ› maÅ‚y kroczek do przodu bÄ™dzie miaÅ‚ miejsce. 🙂
Stela, daca toate blogurile ar fi la fel de optimiste ca al tau lumea ar fi mai vesela. Nu mai pleca urechea la ce zic rau-voitorii, sa fim seriosi, nimeni nu va fi fericit 100% cu ce scriem pe blog, nu ai cum sa-i multumesti pe toti, important e sa fii tu fericita cu ceea ce scrii! te pup si la cat mai multe postari!
I forgot to mention that I was actually thinking about this the other day, but I noticed that when big sunglasses are in style, small eyeglasses are in style, and vice-versa. Right now the style is to have short, boxy, wide emo eyeglasses with big thick frames, and the entire outside width of the frames tapers into the temple. But most girls I know get really big, wide sunglasses. But in the 90s, Tom Cruise MI:II style sunglasses were in style, and most people had much taller eyeglasses.
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Hi Scott,I’ve just send my ex the NC (word for word). I’m ready to begin my evolution. I still haven’t been able to sign up for the forum yet. Can you advise what else I might be able to do so that I can log my progression?Thanks for your help. You’re the best.
Mr. Wheeler –I am well aware of the distinction between a republic and a democracy. That’s why I specified that this country was founded as a constitutional republic (which, as you correctlt stated, it is no longer).But most people conflate democracies and republics, and the exercise of separating them would have been beyond the scope of this post.Sometimes simplification is unavoidable.
I think owls are so cool, but honestly that would drive me nuts. My son’s alarm goes off every day at noon, while he’s at school. It scares the crap out of me. I’m not sure why I haven’t changed the alarm, but it’s all I can do to just shut the damn thing off.
Have a great break Eddie! Gosh knows you've earned it.What I'd really like to know is how you got four beautiful babes to spend the weekend hanging out and goofing off with you?
Precisely what I was looking for, thankyou for posting.
The effort to draw the NRA into this is typical socialist hyperbole, what chumps. Our stuff costs way more than the crap produced by the X-Coms – and how about the worker-paradise functionality of their “air defense systems” – the ones Israel penetrated so easily a few weeks back when they bombed Syria? Tehran should be shitting bricks if they can get their ass unclenched.
Mujeressssssssssssss que no les de verguenza!!!!!!! agarren un control, toquenlo, sóbenlo, aprienten botones hasta que se cansen, diganle al: novio, amigo con derecho, amante, agarre, pasatiempo, hermano, primo, papá, tio, abuelo, vecino, a mi, o hasta al perro de la casa; que les enseñen a jugar. No se van arrepentir; solo cojeran par de piques pero todos hemos pasado por ahÃÂ.
O Tas é uma excelente personalidade, creio que fará falta no programa sim, mas temos que ver o Datena também gente, ele foi para uma emissora segundo o qual pensou que teria mais liberdade porém ele não se deu conta de que a emissora é dirigida por tapa olhos do Macedo.DATENÃO, Bem vindo a Band novamente, considero sua ida para a Record mais como umas férias.Abraços, sou seu fã!
Me responda uma dúvida doutor???O resultado da partida entre Internacional e Palmeiras está suspenso até o julgamento né doutor?Dessa forma, nos leva a crer que todos os atos e acontecimentos também deveriam estar suspensos, aà me gera uma dúvida….E os cartões? Estão suspensos? Jogadores que tomaram o terceiro amarelo poderão jogar? Em caso afirmativo, estará sendo criado motivo para os adversários do próximo jogo reclamarem….Complicado né doutor? O senhor saberia me responder a respeito dos cartões???abraço
I tried this workout today and loved it! I am trying to mix up my strength training and I could still follow the plan that i wrote down to take with me, but I definitely felt my body working in a different way! Will definitely be repeating this wek.
Dave, you nailed this. I’ve never responded to anything you have ever written, on this blog or your You Tube channels, but I follow you everywhere and I thoroughly enjoy your positive energy and your humor. Still, I’m sorry that the womyn are hating on you for your comment and your (understandable, as a gay man) viewpoint. While I completely see their issue, they seem to make it a bit too fervently for my taste. Don’t be distracted by their negativity. Love on, bro.
Todella kiinnostavan oloinen kirja. Kun on itse kirjoittanut ja julkaissut vain tieteellistä tekstiä, mutta lukee valtavasti (ja mieluiten :)) kaunokirjallisuutta, olisi ilo lukea enemmän kirjailjan työstä. Kiitos tästä!Muuten, katsoin kirjailijablogilinkkejäsi, joista löysin paljon innostavaa. Harmillisesti Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläisen WordPressissä oleva blogi näyttää muuttuneen (?) salatuksi.
It mainly comes down to what you want to achieve when deciding which route to take. I was not looking to crreate a web app, so the Adobe route was preferrable for me. Other advantages to the Adobe side is a much larger pool of resources and tutorials to draw from, and a much simpler setup for a newbie. I have a (very) passing familiarity with Java, and the AS3 language shares some similarities with it, making it just a little bit easier to learn.
Hi Kaffein,I agree with u… quite a number of times, there is Increase and subsequent decrease which some pple will be thankful of.I do not noe about the NS duration but 1 tat i remember is the Tariff. Raised 21% and after which decrease by 24% (Can’t really remember) which effectively is only less than 3 ~ 9%Another is the ERP where during periods there will be reduced charges.Another is Road Tax where recently there were some discount.And another is GST which raised to 7% and we r given rebates.And finally CPF Cut which hasn’t been reinstated.
Simon, you’ve been in Cali too long. You hear “Portuguese Sandwich” and think manporn. I hear it (sitting at Billy Goat on Wells) and think pork and cheese on bread. You need to get home, Jefe.
Mancano davvero pochi giorni e l’impegno dei volontari è altissimo! Speriamo di riuscire a sensibilizzare la gente e soprattutto l’amministrazione comunale di fronte a una situazione di reale emergenza.
celebrations can be the loveliest highlight of wedding season. If you’re looking for ideas for bridal showers that are creative and around the DC-area, I’ve gathered a few ideas that I think you and, most
cyt. “Nie rozumiem jak staruszka może drwić z kuÅ›tykajÄ…cych staruszków” To nie drwina, to niemoc. Ona nie może oderwać siÄ™ od komputera, żeby sobie pokuÅ›tykać. 🙂 Zastanawiam siÄ™ nad jednÄ… rzeczÄ… i chyba to w koÅ„cu zrobiÄ™ – napiszÄ™ notkÄ™, że ci co tam komentujÄ… majÄ… u mnie bana. I żeby byÅ‚a caÅ‚kowita jasność: WSZYSCY! Pewnie da to niewiele, ale być może jakiÅ› maÅ‚y kroczek do przodu bÄ™dzie miaÅ‚ miejsce. 🙂
Stela, daca toate blogurile ar fi la fel de optimiste ca al tau lumea ar fi mai vesela. Nu mai pleca urechea la ce zic rau-voitorii, sa fim seriosi, nimeni nu va fi fericit 100% cu ce scriem pe blog, nu ai cum sa-i multumesti pe toti, important e sa fii tu fericita cu ceea ce scrii! te pup si la cat mai multe postari!
I forgot to mention that I was actually thinking about this the other day, but I noticed that when big sunglasses are in style, small eyeglasses are in style, and vice-versa. Right now the style is to have short, boxy, wide emo eyeglasses with big thick frames, and the entire outside width of the frames tapers into the temple. But most girls I know get really big, wide sunglasses. But in the 90s, Tom Cruise MI:II style sunglasses were in style, and most people had much taller eyeglasses.