Des solutions contre l’asthme (Sen Wergu Yaram)

919 Commentaires

  1. Thank you for reminding me that listening to my body and mind to better myself before trying to help the world around, takes priority. I completely resonate with your holiday wish and appreciate the fact that there are others that too struggle with finding that balance. My New Years Resolution is to do just that.

  2. Anna · martedì, 4 dicembre 2012, 12:09 amSono veneta e conosco la vicenda della candidatura alle elezioni europee: il sig. Marco dice cose totalmente destituite di fondamento. Fu Tina Anselmi stessa a chiedere a Rosy Bindi di candidarsi. Molti esponenti del partito la appoggiarono, ma soprattutto si mobilito’ gran parte dell’associazionismo cattolico. La calunnia del finanziamento e’ stata oggetto di denuncia ed e’ un volgare espediente per infangare le persone.

  3. That’s the whole thing, though: Western civilization is metaphorically “drowning in the ocean”. We are slowly becoming Islamized and a lot of people are too stupid to realize it. I think the most important thing right now is resisting Islam. That is something to think about when we make our alliances. I’m not saying I support the National Front in France, but often you have to do things you’d rather not do to win a war. It’s just something to think about.

  4. Baron,The official site you link to seems down already, minutes after you posted it. Maybe it’s overloaded, maybe it’s under attack – we’re not the only ones who’ve been waiting for this.Your links to the Liveleak versions posted below work fine though.

  5. la honte ! La Honte de se rendre visiblement vulnérable. Elle a carrément raison cette Brenée Brown, Ho Bordel ! comme dirais La Rouge ! … j'ai percuté le mur hier soir. Pour Louise, pour moi, pour son père. Elle a raison sur la vulnérabilité impossible à accepter pour un homme et encore moins à reconnaître et encore moins à voir.J'ai du boulot, là.Il n'y a pas qu'un bilan orthophonique à entreprendre… merde.

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