Des solutions contre l’asthme (Sen Wergu Yaram)

919 Commentaires

  1. Haha, Ã¥h ha, den følelse kender jeg skam.Min samling af garn er dog stadig meget lille, sÃ¥ jeg drømmer om sÃ¥dan en kurv som pÃ¥ dit billede spækket med garn i alle farver. Suk.. NÃ¥r jeg (mÃ¥ske, forhÃ¥bentlig) bliver rig en dag, vil jeg købe alt det garn, der kalder pÃ¥ mig 😉

  2. Jest to nawet zabawne, że na takim wolnoÅ›ciowym forum cenzura nie ustÄ™puje tej z Salonu24… Sprawa jest caÅ‚kiem Å›wieża. Kilka lat dyskutowaliÅ›my bezproblemowo. PopsuÅ‚o siÄ™ niedawno.Co do porównania z S24. Od S24 jeszcze nie dostaÅ‚em ani jednego listu.Natomiast na S24 jest problem innego rodzaju. Od czasu do czasu nie mogÄ™ siÄ™ zalogować. I taki stan potrafi niejednokrotnie trwać dÅ‚ugo.Pozdrawiam,

  3. It is indeed ironic that white gentiles are several times more underrepresented at the top schools than either Hispanics or blacks. If you look at schools like Harvard, Stanford, UChicago, etc, Asians form a good third of the population and jews form probably another good third. White European gentiles probably get a third too, so they get a bit less than a third of their share of the college age population. Blacks get two thirds of their share or so. But nobody cares about that. hehe.

  4. Well, I am sad to say that in my country I think we see automated journalism also performed by supposedly living and thinking journalsists, in some cases loose their critical sense and just writes what is babbled(lied)-without checking. That is much worse than this, because it is presented as solid truth.

  5. I run a vbulletin forum and i gather facebook could easily ban these companys through their IPs if they really wanted to make a difference. By doing nothing to prevent these from continuing is hardly any sort of effort. I get alot of so called scams but an IP block puts an end to them. Facebook should be making a proper stand against these companys and banning them from getting near its network.

  6. I suspect that part of it has to do with carpetbaggers, er, (sub)urbanites moving into more rural areas. Look at the areas listed as the most decreased. It’s only a guess, of course. I’d have to actually have data to analyze, and I don’t think that’s all of it, but I strongly suspect that’s a lot of it. After all, they still close schools and even some businesses here for the first day of deer season.

  7. Анонимный любитель пранка / Бля, мораль в пранке — это хуйня. давно уже заебывает записями хачей и хард-трешняка, там лайт очень редко проскакивает, ибо там действительно костяк теперешний — какие-то неадекваты, что ли. А если лайт какой-то проскочет, то его так засрут, что бля ты не довел жертву до ужаса и не вызвал им ментов, не довел до сердечного приступа.

  8. Pas de jaloux, en France tout le monde est au frais, neige ou pas ! Ici, ça n'arrête pas de tomber… Et tu me donnes une envie irrisistible de soleil et surtout de chaleur quand il s'agit de déguster un plat, vrai symbole de contrées lointaines… Je rêve, je rêve ! J'ajouterais peut-être un peu de sauce soja, faut voir !Bon après-midi et à bientôt

  9. After perusing every page and loving everything even pics too :)I really like number 27 Sing Bird I love the music notes in the air and the little bird perched on the tree branch. This is my fav, but I also like the GREEN ELEPHANT TOO !!! 🙂 was really tough to pick between them. Having much fun with this thanks again. What a cool idea.

  10. I don’t know anything about MOOCs,but I found the write-ins to be one of the best parts of nanowrimo. I am a total internet junkie, but getting together physically with others was a fantastic part of the experience. I have no idea if that has any implications for MOOCs, but I thought I’d put it out there.  

  11. Henri & Dominiquevotre petite discussion me fait penser que nous sommes bien heureux de ne plus être au XVIIIème siècle, car ce qui vient à l’esprit en vous écoutant c’est l’image du duel dans Barry Lyndon; vous vous souvenez ? « Gentlemen, cock your pistols … »Heureusement on apprend vite que la balle était faite d’étoupe: Barry a juste assommé le major, … mais il perd sa fiancée !

  12. Bagnasco parla di statisti e poi, interferendo sulle regionali pochi giorni prima del voto, consegna di fatto il Lazio alla statista Polverini quando già a Roma brilla per familismo bieco il prode Alemanno! E che dire del suo confratello (n.2 della Chiesa) che partecipa acenette private in casa Vespa col grande corruttore accocmpagnato dal mellifluo Letta. Non sa che Berlusconi non muove passo se non in vista di un certo tornaconto? Luigi

  13. I agree with you on the arby’s sauce and the donuts. But they have to be Krispy Kreme.Cheetos (puffy, not cruncy)oreos (double stuff, because after all it’s the creme part)And I have been known to eat Eagle Brand Condensed milk out of the can using a spoon.Yes I know.

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